Senior Management

  • 7 positions in 3 companies
Last company where he held a position

VALLINA HERMANOS SA Administrador mancomunado

On 12 de March de 2019, the employment of Agirre Egiguren Jose Ignacio was terminated with the company VALLINA HERMANOS SA, where they participated as Administrador mancomunado.

El día 14 de July de 2017 se registró su nombramiento como Apoderado mancomunado de esta empresa.

With registered office in Gipuzkoa, it undertakes its business in the transport by taxi... sector.

  • Activity
    Transportation and storage
  • employees
    23 employees
  • turnover
    1.29 million € turnover
  • Address
    Located in GIPUZKOA
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They also participate in this company

AUTO HERRERA SL Administrador mancomunado

Participó con varios cargos en esta empresa hasta el día 5 de August de 2019: Administrador mancomunado, Desconocido.

With registered office in Gipuzkoa, it undertakes its business in the real estate activities... sector.

  • Activity
    Real estate activities


They held several positions in this company but were terminated in August de 2018 from the following positions: Apoderado mancomunado, Consejero, Presidente.

This Gipuzkoa-based company operates in transporte terrestre de viajeros en sus diferentes modalidades. transporte de mercancías porcarretera. otros transportes terrestres no incluidos en la anterior mención. servicios de telecomunicaciones y telefónicos. compraventa y alquiler de muebles e inmuebles. taller reparación de vehículos.... sector.

  • Activity
    Transportation and storage

More information about AGIRRE EGIGUREN JOSE IGNACIO is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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