Senior Management

  • 16 positions in 6 companies
Last company where he held a position

ENRICH SL Adaptacion Ley 2/95 Consejero

Their most recent appointment in the BORME is on 10 de August de 1998, in Consejero, where they hold the position of ENRICH SL Adaptacion Ley 2/95.

On August de 1998 they were appointed as Consejero delegado of this company.

Their appointment as Presidente of this company was published on 10 de August de 1998.

They left their position of Administrador of this company in August de 1998.

This Barcelona-based company operates in la comercializacion de materias primas textiles y plasticas, y la tenenciade valores, sin que ello suponga actividad reservada a las sociedades de inversion mobiliaria reguladas por la ley del mercado de valores... sector.

  • Address
    Located in BARCELONA
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Other companies in which they hold a position


ARTURO MOIX SA Administrador

Their activity as ARTURO MOIX SA in the company Administrador ended in December de 2003.

This company had its headquarters in Barcelona and undertook its business in the la adquisicion,arrendamiento no financiero y venta de toda clase de bienes inmuebles,fincas urbanas y r u s t i c a s , y l a c o n s t r u c c i o n d e e d i f i c a c i o n e s u r b a n a s p a r a s u v e n t a o e x p l o t a c i o n l a adquisicion,tenencia,disfrute... sector.

  • Activity
    Financial and insurance activities

ENRICH SL Consejero

Enrich Valls Francisco was terminated from different positions in which they participated in ENRICH SL: Consejero, Consejero delegado, Presidente.

This Barcelona-based company operates in holding company activities... sector.

  • Activity
    Financial and insurance activities


In LUKAFTER SL held the positions of Apoderado, Consejero, Consejero delegado, Presidente up to 17 de June de 2003.

They work in Barcelona in the adquisicion, arrendno financ, venta de bienes inmuebles, fincas urbanas, rusticas, construccion de edificaciones urbanas para su venta, explotacionadquisicion, admonen gral, enajenacion de valores mobiliarsalvo socinvcol, etc... sector.

  • Activity
    Real estate activities

More information about ENRICH VALLS FRANCISCO is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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