Senior Management

  • 4 positions in 3 companies
Last company where he held a position

ALMORADUX SL Administrador solidario

En July de 2008 se produjo la última actualización en el BORME. Se nombró a Mora Lopez Manuel como Administrador solidario.

This company has its headquarters in Huelva and undertakes its business in the fabricación de calzado... sector.

  • Activity
  • Address
    Located in HUELVA
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They also participate in this company

PALETS VILLACAÑAS SL Administrador único

Su nombramiento como Administrador único de este empresa se registró en el Registro Mercantil el día 21 de December de 2006.

They work in Toledo in the la fabricación de todo tipo de envases y embalajes de madera... sector.

  • Activity

INALUM SAL Consejero

They held several positions in this company but were terminated in June de 2008 from the following positions: Consejero, Secretario.

This Vizcaya-based company operates in fabricación de carpintería metálica... sector.

  • Activity

More information about MORA LOPEZ MANUEL is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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