Senior Management

  • 3 positions in 3 companies
Last company where he held a position


La última empresa en la que dejó de participar Saavedra Sanchez Carlos fue en MARIÑA ORGANIC SA, donde ejercía como Apoderado. Cesó su actividad en June de 2021.

This company has its headquarters in Madrid and undertakes its business in the extracción de turba... sector.

  • Activity
    Mining and quarrying
  • employees
    3 employees
  • turnover
    0.12 million € turnover
  • Address
    Located in MADRID
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They also participate in this company


On 17 de June de 2021, the employment of Saavedra Sanchez Carlos was terminated with the company MINAS DE TORREJON SA, where they participated as Apoderado.

With registered office in Madrid, it undertakes its business in the extracción de gravas y arenas; extracción de arcilla y caolín... sector.

  • Activity
    Mining and quarrying

TOLSA SA Apoderado

Saavedra Sanchez Carlos was terminated from different positions in which they participated in TOLSA SA: Apoderado, Apoderado.

This company has its headquarters in Madrid and undertakes its business in the la cogeneracion de energia electrica y la produccion, almacenamiento y comercializacion de energia electrica mediante instalaciones que utilicen fuentes de energia renovables, incluyendose entre ellas, a titulo enunciativo yno limitativo, la produccion hidraulica, eolica, termosolar, fotovoltaica... sector.

  • Activity
    Mining and quarrying

More information about SAAVEDRA SANCHEZ CARLOS is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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