BORME summary in A CORUÑA on 2024-07-02.
Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of A Coruña
Report date: 2024-07-02
This report provides a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the Mercantile Registry of A Coruña, highlighting the most relevant facts. Below is an analysis of the different categories of acts, with references to specific companies to illustrate the data.
Mercantile Registry of A Coruña
The Mercantile Registry of A Coruña has registered a total of 55 appointment acts, 22 constitution acts, 18 cessation acts, and 6 revocation acts. These numbers reflect considerable activity in terms of changes in the organizational structure of companies.
The 55 appointment acts indicate significant dynamics in the management and administration of registered companies. An example of a company with appointment activity is COMAR CORUÑA SL, which has carried out an appointment act. This company, established in 1997, has a share capital of 191,123,000.00 euros and is dedicated to the operation of recreational and gaming halls, as well as the provision of interconnection services.
22 constitution acts have been registered, reflecting growth in the creation of new companies in the region. This data is positive for the local economy, suggesting a favorable environment for entrepreneurship and investment.
Cessations and Revocations
The 18 cessation acts and 6 revocation acts indicate changes in the direction and administration of companies. These movements can result from internal restructurings or strategic adjustments. The company INDUSTRIALES PANADEROS AGRUPADOS SA, with a share capital of 176,000,000.00 euros, has also registered an appointment act, suggesting changes in its administrative structure.
Unipersonalities and Address Changes
7 unipersonality acts and 7 address change acts have been registered. These acts reflect adjustments in the ownership structure and location of companies. Address changes may be related to strategies for optimizing operations or accessing new markets.
Statutory Modifications
With 23 statutory modification acts, companies are adapting their statutes to align with new regulations or business strategies. This significant number suggests a constant need for updating and adaptation in the business environment.
Capital Increases and Reductions
5 capital increase acts and no capital reduction acts have been registered. Capital increases indicate additional investments and business growth. For example, NUEVA VIDERE SL has a share capital of 2,550,471,000.00 euros, reflecting its financial capacity to make significant investments.
Dissolutions and Extinctions
5 dissolution acts and no extinction acts have been registered. Dissolutions reflect the closure of operations of some companies, which may be due to various reasons such as financial difficulties or market changes.
Re-elections and Bankruptcy Situations
Only one re-election act and no bankruptcy situations have been registered. The absence of bankruptcy situations is a positive indicator of the financial stability of companies in the region.
Object and Name Changes
One name change act and no object change acts have been registered. Name changes may reflect rebranding or changes in the market strategy of companies.
Transformations and Mergers
No acts of company transformations or mergers have been registered. This suggests that companies in the region have not made significant changes to their legal structure nor have they recently undergone merger processes.
The analysis of the acts registered in the Mercantile Registry of A Coruña shows dynamic business activity, with a significant number of appointments, constitutions, and statutory modifications. Companies are continuously adapting to new market circumstances and making investments for their growth. Financial stability is reflected in the absence of bankruptcy situations and the presence of capital increases.
Companies like COMAR CORUÑA SL, INDUSTRIALES PANADEROS AGRUPADOS SA, and NUEVA VIDERE SL exemplify the diversity and strength of the business fabric in the region. These companies, with their significant share capitals and varied activities, are representative of the economic potential of A Coruña.