BORME summary in A CORUÑA on 2024-07-18.
Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of A Coruña
Analysis Date: July 18, 2024
This financial analysis focuses on the most relevant data from the Commercial Registry of A Coruña, highlighting the most significant facts in various categories of registry acts. Below is a detailed summary of each category, enriched with examples of specific companies to better illustrate the current situation.
The number of registered appointment acts is 31. This data suggests considerable activity in the designation of new managerial and administrative positions in companies in the region. An example of a relevant company in this context is La Voz de Galicia SA, an entity with a share capital of 5,436,049.00 euros and a corporate purpose focused on the exploitation of publishing companies and the production and distribution of texts, images, and sounds.
There have been 9 acts of company incorporations registered. This number indicates moderate growth in the creation of new business entities in the region. An example of a recently incorporated company is Parking Hijos de CV Otero SL, incorporated on November 17, 2017, with a share capital of 3,825,000.00 euros and dedicated to the promotion, leasing, and exploitation of real estate and parking spaces.
The registry shows 14 acts of terminations, reflecting changes in the managerial structure of various companies. Such movements may be associated with internal restructurings or strategic changes. A notable case is the termination registered in Parking Hijos de CV Otero SL.
There have been 4 acts of revocations, implying the annulment of previously granted powers or authorizations. An example is the revocation registered in Medios Audiovisuales de Galicia SL, a company with a share capital of 17,623,000.00 euros and dedicated to the management and exploitation of radio and television services.
Sole Proprietorships
There are 7 acts of sole proprietorships, indicating the existence of companies operating under a single partner. This type of structure can offer advantages in terms of control and decision-making.
Address Changes
There have been 2 acts of address changes registered, reflecting low geographical mobility of companies in the region. This data can be interpreted as stability in the location of company headquarters.
Statutory Modifications
With 13 acts of statutory modifications, significant activity is observed in updating the social statutes of companies. These modifications may respond to regulatory changes, strategic adjustments, or internal restructurings.
Capital Increases
There have been 4 acts of capital increases registered, indicating that some companies are strengthening their financial structure to undertake new projects or expand their operations.
The registry shows 3 acts of dissolutions, reflecting the liquidation and closure of some companies. This data may be an indicator of economic difficulties or market changes.
With 6 acts of re-elections, continuity in the managerial positions of some companies is observed, which can be interpreted as a sign of stability and confidence in the current management. An example is the re-election registered in La Voz de Galicia SA.
Bankruptcy Situations
There have been 2 acts of bankruptcy situations registered, indicating that some companies are experiencing significant financial difficulties that have required judicial intervention for their restructuring or liquidation.
Changes in Corporate Purpose
No acts of changes in corporate purpose have been registered, suggesting that companies maintain their main activities without the need to make adjustments to their corporate purpose.
Name Changes
There have been 3 acts of name changes registered, reflecting the adoption of new corporate identities by some companies, possibly as part of rebranding strategies or mergers.
Capital Reductions
There has been 1 act of capital reduction registered, which may indicate adjustments in a company's financial structure to optimize its balance or respond to accumulated losses.
Expansion of Corporate Purpose
No acts of expansion of corporate purpose have been registered, suggesting that companies have not needed to diversify or expand their main activities.
Changes in Sole Proprietorship Status
No acts of changes in sole proprietorship status have been registered, indicating stability in the ownership structure of companies.
Loss of Sole Proprietorship Status
No acts of loss of sole proprietorship status have been registered, suggesting that sole proprietorship companies maintain their ownership structure without changes.
No acts of dissolutions have been registered, indicating that there have been no complete liquidations of companies in the analyzed period.
No acts of mergers have been registered, suggesting that there have been no company integrations in the analyzed period.
Transformations of Company
No acts of transformations of company have been registered, indicating that companies have not changed their legal form in the analyzed period.
In conclusion, the analysis of the Commercial Registry of A Coruña shows moderate business activity with a focus on stability and continuity. Companies in the region appear to be managing their structures and operations prudently, with a significant number of appointments and statutory modifications, but with few dissolutions and bankruptcy situations. This outlook suggests a regional economy that, although facing challenges, maintains a solid and stable foundation.