BORME summary in A CORUÑA on 2024-07-31.
Financial Analysis of Companies in A Coruña
Report Date: July 31, 2024
This report presents a detailed analysis of the companies registered in the Commercial Registry of A Coruña, based on various administrative and corporate acts. Below, the most relevant facts are described:
Commercial Registry: A Coruña
The Commercial Registry of A Coruña has registered a series of administrative and corporate acts that reflect the business dynamics in the region. Below, the main registered acts are detailed:
Number of Appointment Acts: 7
The number of appointments made is significant, indicating constant activity in the restructuring and strengthening of the management teams of the companies. An example is the company FARO CABEIRO SL, which has made 1 appointment.
Number of Constitution Acts: 1
The constitution of new companies is a positive indicator of economic growth. Although only one constitution has been registered, this can be seen as a sign of new business opportunities in the region.
Number of Cessation Acts: 3
Cessations reflect changes in the organizational structure of companies. Three cessations indicate moderate turnover in positions of responsibility.
Number of Revocation Acts: 2
Revocations can be due to various reasons, such as changes in business strategy or management adjustments. Two revocation acts have been registered.
Number of Unipersonality Acts: 0
No unipersonality acts have been registered, indicating that there have been no changes in the ownership structure of companies towards a single-person figure.
Number of Address Change Acts: 0
No address changes have been registered, suggesting stability in the location of companies.
Number of Statutory Modification Acts: 4
Statutory modifications are common in companies seeking to adapt to new regulations or improve their internal structure. An example is the company HERMANOS PELETEIRO RAMOS SL, which has made a statutory modification.
Number of Capital Increase Acts: 1
Capital increases are an indicator of growth and expansion. Only one capital increase has been registered, which may reflect a consolidation strategy rather than aggressive expansion.
Number of Dissolution Acts: 0
No dissolutions have been registered, which is a positive sign of business stability in the region.
Number of Re-election Acts: 0
No re-elections have been registered, which may indicate stability in the current management positions.
Number of Insolvency Acts: 1
An insolvency situation has been registered, reflecting a company in financial difficulties. This is an indicator to monitor to assess the overall economic health of the region.
Number of Object Change Acts: 0
No object changes have been registered, suggesting that companies maintain their original lines of business.
Number of Name Change Acts: 0
No name changes have been registered, indicating that companies have not seen the need for rebranding or changes in corporate identity.
Number of Capital Reduction Acts: 1
A capital reduction has been registered, which may be a strategy to adjust a company's financial structure.
Number of Object Expansion Acts: 0
No object expansions have been registered, suggesting that companies have not diversified their activities recently.
Number of Single-Person Company Change Acts: 0
No changes towards a single-person company have been registered, indicating that companies maintain a more diversified ownership structure.
Number of Loss of Unipersonality Acts: 0
No losses of unipersonality have been registered, suggesting stability in the ownership structure of companies.
Number of Extinction Acts: 0
No company extinctions have been registered, which is a good indicator of their operational continuity.
Number of Merger Acts: 0
No mergers have been registered, which may indicate that companies prefer to grow organically rather than through acquisitions.
Number of Company Transformation Acts: 0
No company transformations have been registered, indicating stability in the legal form of companies.
In summary, the analysis of the acts registered in the Commercial Registry of A Coruña shows a region with business stability, few drastic changes in the structure of companies, and moderate activity in terms of appointments and statutory modifications. Companies like FARO CABEIRO SL and HERMANOS PELETEIRO RAMOS SL reflect this trend with their respective activities. The absence of dissolutions and extinctions is a positive indicator of the region's economic health.