BORME summary in A CORUÑA on 2024-08-01.
Financial Analysis of the A Coruña Commercial Registry
Analysis date: August 1, 2024
This report provides a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the A Coruña Commercial Registry. Below, the most relevant facts based on the provided data are described.
A Coruña Commercial Registry
The A Coruña Commercial Registry has registered a series of business acts that reflect the economic and administrative activity of companies in the region. Below is an analysis of the different types of registered acts.
In the analyzed period, a total of 1 appointment act has been registered. This type of act is crucial for the management and direction of companies, as it involves the designation of new managerial or administrative positions.
1 constitution act has been registered. The constitution of new companies is a positive indicator of economic activity, as it reflects the creation of new entities that contribute to economic growth and job creation.
No cessation acts have been registered. This can be interpreted as a sign of stability in existing companies, as there have been no significant changes in management or administration involving the departure of managers or administrators.
No revocation acts have been registered. The absence of revocations can be an indicator of stability in business decisions and confidence in current managerial positions.
Sole Proprietorships
No sole proprietorship acts have been registered. This suggests that there have been no changes in the ownership structure of companies towards a sole proprietorship structure.
Address Changes
No address change acts have been registered. Stability in the location of companies can be an indicator of satisfaction with the current operating conditions in the region.
Statutory Modifications
No statutory modification acts have been registered. This can be interpreted as a sign of stability in the internal regulations of companies.
Capital Increases
No capital increase acts have been registered. The absence of capital increases may indicate that companies have not needed to increase their share capital to finance new investments or projects.
No dissolution acts have been registered. The absence of dissolutions is a positive sign, as it indicates that there have been no company closures in the analyzed period.
3 re-election acts have been registered. Re-elections are important for continuity and stability in the management of companies, as they allow managers or administrators to remain in their positions.
Bankruptcy Situations
No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered. This is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies, as there have been no insolvency or bankruptcy processes.
Object Changes
No object change acts have been registered. Stability in the corporate purpose of companies suggests that there has been no need to modify their main activities.
Name Changes
No name change acts have been registered. The absence of name changes can be an indicator of stability in the corporate identity of companies.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered. This suggests that companies have not needed to decrease their share capital, which is a positive sign of financial stability.
Object Expansions
No object expansion acts have been registered. The absence of object expansions may indicate that companies have not needed to diversify or expand their main activities.
Changes to Sole Proprietorship
No acts of change to sole proprietorship have been registered. This suggests that there have been no changes in the ownership structure of companies towards a sole proprietorship structure.
Losses of Sole Proprietorship
No acts of loss of sole proprietorship have been registered. The absence of these acts indicates that there have been no changes in the ownership structure of companies that involve the loss of their sole proprietorship status.
No extinction acts have been registered. The absence of extinctions is a positive sign, as it indicates that there have been no definitive company closures in the analyzed period.
No merger acts have been registered. The absence of mergers can be an indicator of stability in existing business structures.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been registered. The absence of transformations suggests that companies have not needed to change their legal form.
Company Example: Financiera Maderera SA
One of the companies registered in the A Coruña Commercial Registry is Financiera Maderera SA. This company was constituted on March 1, 1937, and has a share capital of 7,378,438.00 euros. Its corporate purpose includes the production and commercialization of wood, the purchase, sale, and leasing of real estate, as well as its promotion and construction, the design and construction of machinery and industrial installations, and the acquisition, subscription, and holding of securities.
In the analyzed period, Financiera Maderera SA has not registered acts of appointments, constitutions, cessations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, bankruptcy situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, changes to sole proprietorship, losses of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, or company transformations. However, 1 re-election act has been registered, which is an indicator of stability in its management.
In conclusion, the analysis of the acts registered in the A Coruña Commercial Registry reflects a situation of stability and continuity in most of the companies in the region. The absence of negative acts such as dissolutions, bankruptcy situations, and extinctions is a positive sign of the financial and administrative health of companies. Additionally, the presence of constitution and re-election acts suggests a dynamic and growing business environment.