BORME summary in A CORUÑA on 2024-08-28.

Financial Analysis of Companies in A Coruña

Financial Analysis of Companies in A Coruña

In this financial analysis, the most relevant facts of various companies registered in the province of A Coruña as of August 28, 2024, are examined. Multiple aspects have been considered, such as appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, insolvency situations, among others. Below is a detailed summary of the most significant data.

Commercial Registry

The commercial registry of A Coruña has been the focal point of this analysis. This registry is fundamental for transparency and the proper functioning of the market, as it provides vital information about companies, their activities, and structural changes.

Appointments and Resignations

Regarding appointments, a total of 5 acts have been registered. This number reflects moderate activity in terms of incorporating new members to the boards of directors or positions of responsibility within companies. On the other hand, there have been 3 resignations, indicating a certain stability in the structure of organizations, although it could also reflect strategic adjustments or internal reorganizations.

Incorporations and Dissolutions

A single company incorporation has been registered, suggesting limited growth in the creation of new companies. However, a dissolution has also been registered, which could indicate financial or management problems in some organizations.


In the field of revocations, a single act has been registered. This could be interpreted as a sign of stability in corporate decisions, where few previous decisions have been reversed.

Insolvency Situations

A concerning aspect is the number of insolvency situations, with a total of 2 acts registered. This data indicates significant financial difficulties for some companies, which could have repercussions on employment and the local economy.

Other Acts

No acts have been registered in the categories of unipersonalities, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, re-elections, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, unipersonal company changes, loss of unipersonality, extinctions, mergers or company transformations. The absence of these acts can be interpreted as a sign of stability in corporate structures and in the business strategy of registered companies.

Highlighted Companies

Among the registered companies, some stand out for their relevance and specific data:

  • Conservas Selectas Mar de Couso SA: This company has a share capital of 1,680,000.00 euros. However, it is in an insolvency situation, which could indicate significant financial problems. It is crucial to closely follow its evolution to assess its impact on the sector.
  • Nedgia Galicia SA: With a share capital of 34,006,440.00 euros, this company is dedicated to the distribution and secondary transportation of natural gas, as well as the distribution and sale of liquefied petroleum gases by pipeline. It does not present insolvency situations or other relevant acts, suggesting financial and operational stability.


In summary, the analysis of companies registered in A Coruña shows moderate activity in terms of appointments and resignations, with low creation of new companies and some dissolutions. Insolvency situations are a concerning aspect that must be closely monitored. Stability in other corporate acts suggests that, in general, companies maintain a constant structure and strategy. It is essential to continue observing these indicators to anticipate possible changes in the business landscape of the region.