BORME summary in A CORUÑA on 2024-09-05.
Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of A Coruña
Analysis date: 2024-09-05
This report provides a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the Commercial Registry of A Coruña. Below, the most relevant facts are described, highlighting the activities of some specific companies and providing links to their profiles for further in-depth information.
Registered Acts
The Commercial Registry of A Coruña has registered a variety of acts that reflect the business dynamics of the region. Below, the most significant acts are detailed:
The number of registered appointment acts is 38. This data indicates high activity in the designation of managerial and administrative positions in the companies of the region. A notable example is ABANCA CORPORACION BANCARIA SA, which has registered 2 appointment acts. This entity, with a share capital of 2,476,208,900.00 euros, is a key player in the financial sector of the region.
9 constitution acts have been registered, reflecting the creation of new companies in A Coruña. This data is significant as it indicates growth and dynamism in the business field. The company ESPACIA AVANTE SL, established on February 22, 2000, is an example of an established company that has contributed to the economic development of the region.
The number of resignation acts is 18. This data can be interpreted as a reflection of internal restructuring within companies, where changes in managerial positions occur. The company INVERAVANTE INVERSIONES UNIVERSALES SL, with a share capital of 595,370,685.00 euros, has registered 0 resignation acts, suggesting stability in its managerial structure.
3 revocation acts have been registered. This type of act implies the annulment of previously granted decisions or powers. ABANCA CORPORACION BANCARIA SA has registered 1 revocation act, which may indicate adjustments in its administrative management.
Sole Proprietorships
The number of sole proprietorship acts is 9. This data reflects the existence of companies operating under the sole proprietorship figure, where a single partner holds the entirety of the share capital. No sole proprietorship acts have been registered for the companies mentioned in this analysis.
Address Changes
9 address change acts have been registered. This type of act may be related to expansion strategies or relocation of companies to improve their operations. None of the highlighted companies in this report have registered address changes.
Statutory Modifications
The number of statutory modification acts is 10. These acts imply changes in the social statutes of companies, which may reflect adjustments in their structure or social purpose. None of the analyzed companies have registered statutory modifications in this period.
Capital Increases
3 capital increase acts have been registered. This type of act indicates companies' intention to increase their financial capacity to undertake new projects or expand their operations. None of the mentioned companies have registered capital increases in this period.
The number of dissolution acts is 1. This data reflects the termination of a company's activity. None of the highlighted companies in this report have registered dissolution acts.
3 re-election acts have been registered. This type of act implies the renewal of managerial positions, which may indicate confidence in the current management of companies. None of the analyzed companies have registered re-elections in this period.
Bankruptcy Situations
No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered. This data is positive, as it indicates that none of the companies have entered into insolvency or bankruptcy processes.
Object Changes
1 object change act has been registered. This type of act implies a modification in the main activity of the company. None of the highlighted companies have registered object changes in this period.
Name Changes
The number of name change acts is 1. This type of act reflects the modification of the company's name. None of the analyzed companies have registered name changes in this period.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered. This data is positive, as it indicates that none of the companies have decreased their share capital, which could be indicative of financial problems.
Object Extensions
No object extension acts have been registered. This data suggests that none of the companies have expanded their main activity in this period.
Sole Proprietorship Changes
No sole proprietorship change acts have been registered. This data indicates that none of the companies have changed their sole proprietorship structure to another type of company.
Loss of Sole Proprietorship
No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been registered. This data reflects that none of the companies have lost their sole proprietorship status.
No extinction acts have been registered. This data is positive, as it indicates that none of the companies have completely ceased their activity.
No merger acts have been registered. This data suggests that there have been no integration processes between companies in this period.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been registered. This data indicates that none of the companies have changed their legal form in this period.
In summary, the Commercial Registry of A Coruña shows dynamic business activity with a significant number of appointments and constitutions. The analyzed companies, such as ABANCA CORPORACION BANCARIA SA, ESPACIA AVANTE SL, and INVERAVANTE INVERSIONES UNIVERSALES SL, show stability and growth in their respective areas. The absence of bankruptcy situations and the low incidence of dissolutions and extinctions are positive indicators of the business environment in A Coruña.