BORME summary in ALBACETE on 2024-07-10.
Financial Analysis of the Albacete Commercial Registry
Analysis date: July 10, 2024
This report will analyze the most relevant acts registered in the Albacete Commercial Registry, emphasizing the data provided on appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, bankruptcy situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, sole proprietorship changes, loss of sole proprietorship, extinguishments, mergers, and company transformations.
Registered Acts
The Albacete Commercial Registry has registered a total of 19 appointment acts, 9 incorporation acts, 4 resignation acts, 2 revocation acts, and 5 sole proprietorship acts. Additionally, one address change, one statutory modification, one capital increase, and one object change have been registered. There have been no registrations of dissolutions, re-elections, bankruptcy situations, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, sole proprietorship changes, loss of sole proprietorship, extinguishments, mergers, or company transformations.
Appointment acts are the most frequent in the Albacete Commercial Registry, with a total of 19 registrations. These acts are crucial for the management and administration of companies, as they involve the designation of new managerial and administrative positions. An example of a company with an appointment act is Residencia Los Álamos de Santa Gemma SL, which has a share capital of 630,188.00 euros and whose corporate purpose includes general social assistance and services, training and consulting in social services and new technologies, and services related to hospitality and medical work.
There have been 9 incorporation acts registered, indicating the creation of new companies in the region. This is a positive indicator of economic activity and entrepreneurship in Albacete. The incorporation of new companies contributes to economic growth and job creation.
Resignations, with a total of 4 registrations, are acts that reflect the termination of certain positions within companies. These acts can be due to various reasons, such as changes in business strategy, restructurings, or personal decisions of the directors.
There have been 2 revocation acts registered, which involve the annulment of previous decisions or appointments. Revocations can be a sign of internal adjustments within companies to improve their functioning and adapt to new circumstances.
Sole Proprietorships
With 5 sole proprietorship acts, a trend towards the creation of sole proprietorship companies, where a single partner is the owner, is observed. This type of business structure can offer advantages in terms of control and decision-making.
Address Changes
One address change has been registered, which may indicate a relocation strategy to improve the company's operations or take advantage of new market opportunities.
Statutory Modifications
The registered statutory modification reflects the need to adapt the company's statutes to new realities or legal requirements. This act is important to maintain the company's compliance and operability.
Capital Increases
A capital increase has been registered, indicating an injection of financial resources into the company to strengthen its capital structure, finance expansion projects, or improve its solvency.
Object Changes
The registered object change suggests a reorientation of business activities to adapt to new business opportunities or market changes.
Unregistered Acts
The absence of acts of dissolutions, re-elections, bankruptcy situations, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, sole proprietorship changes, loss of sole proprietorship, extinguishments, mergers, and company transformations is notable. This can be interpreted as stability in the business environment of Albacete, without significant events that alter the structure or continuity of companies.
The analysis of the acts registered in the Albacete Commercial Registry shows dynamic and growing business activity, with a significant number of appointments and incorporations. The stability observed in the absence of dissolutions and bankruptcy situations suggests a healthy business environment. Companies like Residencia Los Álamos de Santa Gemma SL exemplify the diversity of economic activities in the region, ranging from social services to consulting and hospitality.
In summary, the Albacete Commercial Registry reflects a positive outlook for business development, with a trend towards the creation of new companies and active management of resources and managerial positions. The observed stability and growth are favorable indicators for the economic future of the region.