BORME summary in ALBACETE on 2024-07-17.
Financial Analysis of the Albacete Commercial Registry
Analysis Date: July 17, 2024
This financial analysis is based on the data recorded in the Albacete Commercial Registry, reflecting a series of business acts that include appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, bankruptcy situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, changes to sole proprietorship, losses of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, and company transformations.
Most Relevant Acts
In the analyzed period, a total of 14 appointments, 6 incorporations, and 8 resignations have been recorded. These acts reflect active business dynamics in the province of Albacete. For example, the company Centaurus Infinity SA, with a share capital of 3,328,005.00 euros, has recorded one appointment and one resignation, indicating significant movements in its management structure.
Regarding sole proprietorships, 6 acts have been recorded, while address changes total 4. It is noteworthy that no statutory modifications have been recorded, which could indicate stability in the statutes of the region's companies.
Capital Increases and Reductions
Only one capital increase and no capital reductions have been recorded. The company Temples y Colas Armi SL, with a share capital of 690,000.00 euros, has not made any capital increases in this period, reflecting possible financial stability.
Dissolutions and Bankruptcy Situations
One dissolution and three bankruptcy situations have been recorded. The company Apto Training SL, with a share capital of 289,000.00 euros, has been dissolved, which could reflect financial difficulties or a business restructuring strategy.
Name and Object Changes
In the analyzed period, one name change and no object changes have been recorded. The company Quero Solar 4 SL, with a share capital of 159,010.00 euros, has not made any changes to its object, which could indicate continuity in its business strategy.
Mergers and Company Transformations
No acts of mergers or company transformations have been recorded, which could reflect stability in the corporate structure of companies in Albacete.
In summary, the Albacete Commercial Registry shows dynamic business activity with a significant number of appointments, incorporations, and resignations. The stability in the statutes and the lack of statutory modifications reflect continuity in business strategies. The few capital increases and no capital reductions indicate possible financial stability in the region. The dissolutions and bankruptcy situations, although limited, point to areas of concern that may require more attention. Overall, companies in Albacete seem to maintain a stable corporate structure without major changes in names, objects, mergers, or transformations.
For more details about the mentioned companies, you can visit their profiles at the following links: