BORME summary in ALBACETE on 2024-07-26.
Financial Analysis of the Albacete Commercial Registry
Analysis date: July 26, 2024
This report offers a detailed analysis of the most relevant events recorded in the Albacete Commercial Registry. Below, the main movements and corporate changes that have taken place are described, highlighting their impact and relevance in the business fabric of the province.
Appointments and Dismissals
In the analyzed period, a total of 6 appointments and 6 dismissals have been recorded. These movements reflect significant dynamics in the management of companies, indicating possible strategic changes or internal restructurings. A notable example is the company Aguas de Albacete SA, which has recorded 1 appointment and 1 dismissal. This company, established on September 30, 2005, has a share capital of 7,500,028.00 euros and is dedicated to the comprehensive management of the water cycle, including the supply of drinking water, sewerage, and wastewater treatment.
Incorporations and Dissolutions
No new company incorporations have been recorded in the analyzed period, which could indicate a stabilization in the creation of new companies in the province. However, one dissolution has been recorded, which may reflect the cessation of activities of a company or a market restructuring.
Capital Increases
Two capital increase acts have been recorded, suggesting that some companies are seeking to strengthen their financial structure to undertake new projects or expand their operations. Capital increases are positive indicators of growth and confidence in the market.
Statutory Modifications and Changes of Address
One statutory modification and one change of address have been recorded. Statutory modifications may involve changes in the corporate purpose, company structure, or internal operating rules, while changes of address may be related to strategies for logistical optimization or access to new markets.
Bankruptcy Situations
No bankruptcy situations have been recorded in the analyzed period, which is a positive indicator of the financial stability of companies in the province of Albacete.
Other Registered Acts
Regarding other relevant acts, one change in corporate purpose has been recorded. Such changes may reflect companies' adaptation to new business opportunities or changes in the economic environment. An example is the expansion of the corporate purpose of Aguas de Albacete SA, which in 2013 included the production and sale of energy as a consequence of the by-products generated from its management.
Summary and Conclusions
In summary, the Albacete Commercial Registry has shown moderate activity in terms of appointments, dismissals, and capital increases. The stability in the incorporation of new companies and the absence of bankruptcy situations are positive signs of a relatively stable business environment. Companies are making strategic and financial adjustments to adapt to market conditions, which is reflected in changes of address, statutory modifications, and capital increases.
The company Aguas de Albacete SA stands out in this analysis for its activity in appointments and dismissals, as well as for its expansion of the corporate purpose, demonstrating its ability to adapt and grow in the comprehensive water cycle management sector.
This analysis provides an overview of business activity in Albacete, offering a basis for future strategic and financial decisions by the actors involved in the business fabric of the province.