BORME summary in ALICANTE on 2024-07-05.

Financial Analysis of the Alicante/Alacant Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Alicante/Alacant Commercial Registry

Report Date: 2024-07-05

This financial analysis is based on data provided by the Alicante/Alacant Commercial Registry. Below are the most relevant facts and their impact on the business fabric of the province.

Appointments and Resignations

The total number of recorded appointment acts is 73, reflecting considerable dynamics in business management. This data indicates a constant renewal and adjustment in management teams, which can be a sign of adaptation and pursuit of improvements in business management.

Regarding resignations, 24 acts were recorded. A notable example is the company SOCIEDAD CANAL DE LA HUERTA DE ALICANTE SA, which has registered 1 resignation. This company, established in 1907, has a share capital of 631,063.00 euros and its corporate purpose includes the acquisition of water flows, mines, and other industrial facilities.

Constitutions and Dissolutions

37 acts of new company constitutions have been recorded, indicating a favorable environment for entrepreneurship and the creation of new entities. On the other hand, only 1 act of dissolution has been recorded, suggesting stability in maintaining existing companies.

Revocations and Re-elections

The registry shows 1 act of revocation and 2 acts of re-election. These acts are less frequent but are important for continuity and stability in company management.

Single-Member Companies and Changes to Single-Member Company Status

18 acts of single-member companies and 2 acts of changes to single-member company status have been recorded. These data reflect a trend towards simplifying the business structure, where a single partner assumes all responsibilities.

Address Changes and Statutory Modifications

The number of recorded address changes is 7, which may indicate a search for better strategic locations or operational cost optimization. Regarding statutory modifications, 3 acts have been recorded, suggesting adjustments in statutes to adapt to new regulations or business strategies.

Capital Increases and Reductions

3 acts of capital increase and 1 act of capital reduction have been recorded. Capital increases are usually indicative of growth and expansion, while reductions may be associated with financial adjustments. An example of a company with a significant capital structure is INFABOSE SL, established in 2016, with a share capital of 1,325,700.00 euros and whose corporate purpose includes the purchase and rental of real estate.

Bankruptcy Situations

2 acts of bankruptcy situations have been recorded, indicating that some companies are facing significant financial difficulties. This data is crucial to understanding the financial health of companies in the province.

Changes in Corporate Purpose and Name

2 acts of changes in corporate purpose and 1 act of name change have been recorded. These changes may reflect a strategic reorientation of companies to adapt to new market opportunities.

Dissolutions, Mergers, and Company Transformations

No acts of dissolutions, mergers, or company transformations have been recorded, suggesting stability in existing business structures.


In summary, the analysis of data from the Alicante/Alacant Commercial Registry shows active business dynamics with a significant number of appointments and new company constitutions. The stability in dissolutions and the absence of mergers or company transformations indicate a relatively stable business environment. However, the presence of bankruptcy situations and changes in corporate purpose reflect the need for adaptation and adjustments in some companies.

Companies like CLAUDIO REIG SL, with a share capital of 126,522.00 euros and established in 1958, also form part of this business fabric, contributing to the diversification and strengthening of the local economy.

In conclusion, the business environment of Alicante/Alacant shows signs of growth and adaptation, with a positive balance between the creation of new companies and the stability of existing ones.