BORME summary in ALMERÍA on 2024-07-12.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Almería

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Almería

Date: July 12, 2024

This financial analysis aims to provide a detailed overview of the acts registered in the Commercial Registry of Almería. Below, the most relevant facts are described, based on the available data for various companies in the region.

Appointments and Resignations

The number of registered appointment acts amounts to 46, reflecting significant dynamics in the management of companies. This data indicates a high turnover in executive positions, which may be related to renewal strategies and adaptation to new market circumstances.

In contrast, 15 resignation acts have been registered, suggesting that although there is a considerable number of appointments, stability in the positions is not as high. An example of a company that has registered appointment acts is MY WAY 2020 SL, with a share capital of 7,071,146.00 euros and whose corporate purpose includes the management of hotel operations.


26 incorporation acts have been registered, indicating growth in the creation of new companies in the region. This data is encouraging, as it suggests a favorable environment for investment and entrepreneurship. The company BIOMIP BIOLOGICAL QUALITY SL, incorporated in 2006, is an example of a company that has contributed to the economic development of Almería with its share capital of 1,368,100.00 euros and its focus on biotechnology for agriculture.

Revocations and Sole Proprietorships

Regarding revocations, 2 acts have been registered, representing a minimal part of the total acts. This could be interpreted as a sign of stability in business decisions. On the other hand, 13 sole proprietorship acts have been registered, indicating that there is a considerable number of companies operating under this legal form.

Address Changes and Statutory Modifications

4 address change acts and 11 statutory modification acts have been registered. These data reflect that companies are in constant adaptation and restructuring to improve their operations and comply with current regulations. An example of a company that has registered changes in its structure is MIRALBAIDA SL, with a share capital of 5,102,244.00 euros, which has made an address change and a statutory modification.

Capital Increases and Reductions

No capital increase or reduction acts have been registered. This data can be interpreted in various ways, but one possible explanation is that companies are opting to keep their share capital stable instead of making significant adjustments.

Dissolutions and Insolvency Situations

No dissolution acts have been registered, which is a positive sign of business stability in the region. However, 7 insolvency situation acts have been registered, indicating that some companies are facing financial difficulties. An example is TALLERES HERNANDEZ E HIJOS SL, with a share capital of 8,000,000.00 euros, which has registered 2 insolvency situation acts.

Other Acts

No acts of object changes, name changes, object expansions, sole proprietorship changes, loss of sole proprietorship, terminations, mergers, or company transformations have been registered. These data suggest that companies are maintaining their structures and objectives without making drastic changes.


In summary, the analysis of the acts registered in the Commercial Registry of Almería reflects dynamic and constantly adapting business activity. The data indicate growth in the creation of new companies and high turnover in executive positions, as well as stability in terms of share capital and business structure. However, some financial challenges are also observed, as indicated by the insolvency situation acts. Overall, the business environment in Almería seems favorable for entrepreneurship and investment, although with certain challenges that companies must overcome to ensure their long-term sustainability.