BORME summary in ALMERÍA on 2024-08-21.
Financial Analysis of the Almería Commercial Registry
Analysis date: August 21, 2024
This financial analysis is based on the most recent data from the Almería Commercial Registry, highlighting the most relevant facts in various categories of commercial acts. Below is a detailed summary of the registered acts, accompanied by specific examples of companies that illustrate these movements.
The total number of appointment acts registered in the Almería Commercial Registry is 40. This type of act is crucial as it reflects changes in the management and administration of companies. A notable example is the company JOSE Y PACO SL, which has registered an appointment. This company, established in 1984, has a share capital of 375,024.00 euros and is dedicated to the processing and preservation of fruits and vegetables.
21 acts of new company constitutions have been registered. The creation of new companies is a positive indicator of economic activity in the region. Although no specific examples of new constitutions are provided in the data, this number suggests business dynamism in Almería.
The number of resignation acts is 14. Resignations can indicate changes in the organizational structure of companies or the departure of key executives. For example, the company URBANIZADORA ALCANA SL, dedicated to real estate promotion with a share capital of 1,365,000.00 euros, has registered a resignation.
No revocation acts have been registered in the analyzed period. Revocations are usually less frequent and may be related to the annulment of previously granted powers.
11 unipersonality acts have been registered. This type of act indicates that a company has become owned by a single partner. No specific examples are provided in the data, but this number reflects a trend towards the concentration of ownership in some companies.
Address Changes
2 address change acts have been registered. Address changes can reflect relocation strategies to improve operability or reduce costs. Although no specific examples are provided, this number suggests relative stability in the location of companies in Almería.
Statutory Modifications
The number of statutory modification acts is 16. Statutory modifications are important as they reflect changes in the rules and regulations governing the company. The company ONDA PRISMA SL, with a share capital of 5,700,000.00 euros, has registered a statutory modification, which may indicate significant adjustments in its structure or operation.
Capital Increases
3 capital increase acts have been registered. Capital increases are a positive indicator of business growth and expansion. Although no specific examples are provided in the data, this number suggests that some companies are in the process of increasing their financial resources for new investments.
No dissolution acts have been registered in the analyzed period. The absence of dissolutions can be a positive indicator of business stability in the region.
The number of re-election acts is 2. Re-elections reflect continuity in the management of companies, which can be a sign of stability and confidence in the current management.
Bankruptcy Situations
3 bankruptcy situation acts have been registered. Bankruptcy situations indicate serious financial problems that can lead to bankruptcy. Although no specific examples are provided, this number is a reminder of the economic challenges some companies may face.
Object Changes
No object change acts have been registered. Object changes reflect adjustments in the main activity of the company, and their absence suggests that companies in Almería are maintaining their current business lines.
Name Changes
1 name change act has been registered. Name changes can reflect rebranding or strategic changes in the company's identity.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered. Capital reductions can be an indicator of financial problems or restructuring strategies, and their absence is a positive sign.
Object Extensions
No object extension acts have been registered. Object extensions reflect the diversification of business activities, and their absence suggests that companies in Almería are focusing on their current business lines.
Unipersonal Company Changes
1 unipersonal company change act has been registered. This type of act indicates a change in the ownership structure of the company, becoming controlled by a single partner.
Losses of Unipersonality
No loss of unipersonality acts have been registered. The absence of these acts suggests that unipersonal companies in Almería maintain their ownership structure.
No extinction acts have been registered. Extinctions indicate the definitive closure of a company, and their absence is a positive sign of business continuity.
No merger acts have been registered. Mergers can indicate market consolidation, and their absence suggests that companies in Almería are not currently in integration processes.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been registered. Transformations reflect significant changes in the legal structure of companies, and their absence suggests stability in the current legal forms.
In conclusion, the analysis of the data from the Almería Commercial Registry shows dynamic and stable business activity. The creation of new companies, capital increases, and statutory modifications are indicative of growth and adaptation in the business environment. The absence of dissolutions, extinctions, and company transformations suggests general stability in the market. Companies like JOSE Y PACO SL, URBANIZADORA ALCANA SL, and ONDA PRISMA SL stand out in this analysis, reflecting the diversity and solidity of the business fabric in Almería.