BORME summary in ALMERÍA on 2024-09-10.
Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Almería
Date: September 10, 2024
This financial analysis focuses on the acts registered in the Mercantile Registry of Almería. Below, the most relevant facts observed in the different categories of mercantile acts are described.
The total number of registered appointment acts is 24. This data reflects significant activity in the designation of new positions within companies. A notable example is Promociones Adra SA, which has registered an appointment act. The company, with a share capital of 877,640.00 euros, thus shows its dynamism in the management of its human resources.
5 acts of constitution of new companies have been registered. This number indicates moderate growth in the creation of new entities in the province. The company Cítricos del Andarax SA, constituted in 1997, is an example of an established company that has maintained its presence in the market with a share capital of 11,579,786.00 euros.
The number of registered cessations is 17, which could indicate internal restructuring in several companies. For example, Piscinas Miguel SL has registered a cessation act. The company, dedicated to the maintenance and construction of swimming pools, has a share capital of 1,400,000.00 euros.
A single revocation act has been registered. This act may be related to the need to adjust previous decisions. Cítricos del Andarax SA has also registered a revocation act, which could be linked to strategic changes in its organizational structure.
A single act of unipersonality has been registered, indicating the transformation of a company into a sole proprietorship. This type of change can be a strategy to simplify business management.
Change of Address
No acts of change of address have been registered. This suggests geographical stability in the headquarters of the companies in the province.
Statutory Modifications
7 acts of statutory modifications have been registered. These changes may be related to adjustments in internal policies or in the structure of companies to adapt to new regulations or market strategies.
Capital Increases
Only one act of capital increase has been registered. This act may reflect a company's intention to expand its operations or improve its financial solvency.
3 acts of dissolution have been registered. These acts indicate the closure of operations of some companies, which may be due to various reasons such as lack of profitability or the completion of specific projects.
No acts of re-election have been registered, which could indicate stability in the management positions of the companies.
Bankruptcy Situations
No acts of bankruptcy situations have been registered. This is a positive indicator of the financial health of the companies in the province.
Changes of Object
No acts of changes of corporate purpose have been registered. Companies seem to maintain their main activities without the need to diversify or change their focus.
Changes of Name
No acts of changes of name have been registered, suggesting that companies are maintaining their corporate identities.
Capital Reductions
No acts of capital reductions have been registered. This may indicate that companies have not had the need to adjust their share capital downwards.
Expansion of Object
No acts of expansion of corporate purpose have been registered. Companies seem to be focused on their current activities without the need to expand their business areas.
Changes to Sole Proprietorship
An act of change to sole proprietorship has been registered. This type of change can be a strategy to simplify management and decision-making in the company.
Losses of Sole Proprietorship
No acts of losses of sole proprietorship have been registered. This suggests that companies that have adopted this structure maintain it.
No acts of extinctions have been registered, indicating that there have been no definitive closures of companies.
No acts of mergers have been registered. Companies seem to be operating independently without the need to consolidate with other entities.
Transformations of Society
No acts of transformations of society have been registered, suggesting that companies are maintaining their current legal structures.
In conclusion, the analysis of the acts registered in the Mercantile Registry of Almería shows stable business activity with some significant movements in appointments and cessations. Companies like Cítricos del Andarax SA and Piscinas Miguel SL reflect these trends in their respective sectors. The absence of acts in categories such as bankruptcy situations and mergers is a positive indicator of the financial health and stability of the market in the province.