BORME summary in ASTURIAS on 2024-09-09.

Financial Analysis of the Asturias Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Asturias Commercial Registry

This report provides a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the Asturias Commercial Registry up to the date of September 9, 2024. Below, the most relevant facts related to different types of commercial acts are described, illustrated with examples of specific companies.


During the analyzed period, a total of 15 appointment acts have been registered. This type of act is crucial for the operation of companies, as it involves the appointment of new executive or administrative positions. An example of a company that has registered an appointment is Centro Informático CRI SL, whose corporate purpose is the sale and repair of computers, as well as the teaching of computer programs.


3 acts of company constitution have been registered. The constitution of a company is a positive indicator of the local economy, as it reflects the creation of new business and employment opportunities. However, no specific examples of recently constituted companies have been found in this analysis.


Regarding resignations, 6 acts have been registered. Resignations can be due to various reasons, such as internal restructuring or the departure of partners. An example of a registered resignation is that of Centro Informático CRI SL, which has had a resignation in its organizational structure.


3 acts of revocation have been recorded. Revocations usually involve the annulment of previous decisions, which can be a reflection of adjustments or changes in the company's direction. For example, Hotel Blanco SL has registered a revocation in its history.

Sole Proprietorships

During the analyzed period, 2 acts of sole proprietorship have been registered. This type of act indicates that a company becomes managed by a single partner. No specific examples of companies that have registered this type of act during the analyzed period have been found.

Address Changes

Only one act of address change has been registered. This type of act can reflect a strategy of expansion or relocation of the company. However, no specific examples have been found in this analysis.

Statutory Modifications

One act of statutory modification has been registered. Statutory modifications are changes in the company's statutes, which can include anything from the expansion of the corporate purpose to changes in the capital structure. No specific examples have been found in this analysis.

Capital Increases

One act of capital increase has been registered. Capital increases are a positive indicator, as they reflect the company's intention to grow and expand. No specific examples have been found in this analysis.


4 acts of dissolution have been registered. The dissolution of a company can be due to various reasons, such as financial problems or strategic decisions. An example of dissolution is that of Centro Informático CRI SL, which has registered an act of dissolution.


Only one act of re-election has been registered. Re-elections usually involve the renewal of executive positions, which can be an indicator of stability in the company's management. No specific examples have been found in this analysis.

Bankruptcy Situations

No acts of bankruptcy situations have been registered. This is a positive indicator, as it reflects that no company has entered a process of insolvency or bankruptcy.

Changes of Purpose

One act of change of purpose has been registered. Changes in corporate purpose can reflect a company's adaptation to new business opportunities. No specific examples have been found in this analysis.

Other Acts

No acts of name changes, capital reductions, purpose expansions, changes of sole proprietorship, losses of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, or company transformations have been registered. This may indicate relative stability in the business environment of Asturias.


In summary, the analysis of the Asturias Commercial Registry up to the date of September 9, 2024, shows moderate activity in terms of appointments, resignations, and dissolutions. The absence of bankruptcy situations and the relative stability in other types of acts reflect a relatively stable business environment. Companies like Centro Informático CRI SL and Hotel Blanco SL illustrate some of the most relevant changes during the analyzed period.