BORME summary in BADAJOZ on 2024-08-01.
Financial Analysis of the Badajoz Commercial Registry
Date: August 1, 2024
In this financial analysis, the most relevant events recorded in the Badajoz Commercial Registry are examined. Below, the obtained data is detailed and links to the profiles of some prominent companies are provided, along with relevant information about their share capital and corporate purpose.
The total number of recorded appointment acts is 8. This data indicates moderate activity regarding the designation of new positions in the province's companies. An example of a company with appointment acts is ELECTROTALLER MANUEL MATE SL, which has a share capital of 500,000.00 euros and whose corporate purpose includes the repair and sale of vehicles and machinery of all kinds.
No constitution acts have been recorded in the analyzed period. This could suggest stability in the number of operational companies in the province, without the creation of new entities.
5 dismissal acts have been recorded, indicating changes in the managerial structure of some companies. These movements may result from internal restructurings or strategic adjustments.
No revocation acts have been recorded, suggesting stability in the previously made appointments.
Single-person Companies
No single-person company acts have been recorded, indicating no significant changes in the ownership structure of the companies.
Address Changes
2 address change acts have been recorded. These types of movements may reflect expansion strategies or relocations to optimize operations. An example is RACUCHA SL, which has recorded an address change. This company, with a share capital of 2,433,900.00 euros, is dedicated to the holding and exploitation of rural and urban properties.
Statutory Modifications
3 statutory modification acts have been recorded. These changes may include adjustments in the companies' bylaws to adapt to new regulations or business strategies.
Capital Increases
1 capital increase act has been recorded. These types of acts usually indicate an injection of financial resources to strengthen the company's capital structure and support its growth.
No dissolution acts have been recorded, suggesting that there have been no company closures in the analyzed period.
No re-election acts have been recorded, which could indicate continuity in managerial positions without the need for ratifications.
Bankruptcy Situations
No bankruptcy situation acts have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of the companies in the province.
Purpose Changes
No purpose change acts have been recorded, indicating that companies maintain their main activities without significant modifications.
Name Changes
No name change acts have been recorded, suggesting stability in the corporate identities of the companies.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been recorded, indicating that companies have not decreased their share capital base.
Purpose Expansions
No purpose expansion acts have been recorded, suggesting that companies have not diversified their main activities.
Single-person Company Changes
1 single-person company change act has been recorded. These types of acts may reflect changes in the ownership structure, becoming controlled by a single partner.
Losses of Single-person Status
No loss of single-person status acts have been recorded, indicating that there have been no changes in the ownership structure of single-person companies.
No extinction acts have been recorded, suggesting that there have been no definitive company closures.
No merger acts have been recorded, indicating that there have been no company integrations in the analyzed period.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been recorded, suggesting that companies have not changed their legal form.
In summary, the analysis of the Badajoz Commercial Registry data shows moderate activity in terms of appointments and dismissals, with stability in other aspects such as constitutions, dissolutions, and bankruptcy situations. The province's companies seem to maintain a stable organizational and financial structure, with some strategic movements in terms of address changes and statutory modifications.
For more details about the mentioned companies, you can visit their respective profiles: