BORME summary in CÁCERES on 2024-08-01.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Cáceres

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Cáceres

Analysis date: August 1, 2024

This financial analysis is based on the most recent data from the Mercantile Registry of Cáceres, collected up to August 1, 2024. Below, the most relevant facts are detailed and links to the profiles of some prominent companies are provided for a deeper understanding.

General Data of the Mercantile Registry of Cáceres

The Mercantile Registry of Cáceres has recorded a total of 26 appointment acts, 9 constitution acts, 12 cessation acts, and 2 revocation acts. Additionally, 6 acts of sole proprietorships, 6 changes of address, and 2 statutory modifications have been registered. In terms of capital movements, 3 capital increases and 2 capital reductions have been recorded.

Bankruptcy Situations and Dissolutions

A critical aspect to consider is the number of bankruptcy situations and dissolutions. To date, 4 bankruptcy situations and 3 dissolutions have been recorded. These data indicate the financial difficulties that some companies are facing in the region.

Acts of Change and Transformation

Regarding acts of change, 2 changes of object and 1 extinction have been recorded. No changes of denomination, mergers, or transformations of society have been recorded, suggesting stability in the corporate structure of companies in Cáceres.

Prominent Companies

Below are some prominent companies in the Mercantile Registry of Cáceres, along with links to their profiles and some relevant details:


Constitution date: February 17, 1999

Share capital: 3,000,000.00 EUR

Corporate purpose: The teaching of computer programming techniques through organized courses. The activity of coworking, sharing the same workspace, whether physical or virtual, aimed at independent professionals, entrepreneurs, and SMEs from different sectors.

Relevant acts: 1 change of address and 1 change of object.


Constitution date: February 27, 1997

Share capital: 20,000,000.00 EUR

Relevant acts: 1 appointment.


Constitution date: January 27, 1993

Share capital: 150,253.00 EUR

Relevant acts: 1 revocation.


Constitution date: June 2, 1999

Share capital: 5,500,000.00 EUR

Corporate purpose: The acquisition, rehabilitation, construction, and operation of rural houses and hotel establishments, as well as restoration.

Relevant acts: 1 appointment, 1 cessation, 1 revocation, 1 dissolution, and 1 extinction.


The analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Cáceres reveals moderate business activity with a significant number of appointments and cessations, indicating a dynamic change in the management of companies. Bankruptcy situations and dissolutions are an area of concern and should be closely monitored to assess the impact on the local economy.

Prominent companies, such as AMBERES COMPUTERS SL, EURO ELECTRODOMESTICOS EXTREMADURA SL, HIJOS DE SALVADOR LOPEZ SL, and ADOBE DEL VALLE DEL JERTE SL, show diversity in share capital and corporate purposes, reflecting the variety of economic activities in the region.

In summary, the Mercantile Registry of Cáceres presents a mixed picture with areas of stability and others of concern, requiring continuous monitoring to ensure a healthy and sustainable business environment.