BORME summary in CASTELLÓN on 2024-09-17.
Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Castellón/Castelló
Analysis date: September 17, 2024
This report presents the most relevant facts recorded in the Commercial Registry of Castellón/Castelló. Below, the different types of acts and their frequency are detailed, as well as specific examples of companies and their most notable characteristics.
Registered Acts
- Appointments: A total of 7 appointment acts have been registered. This type of act is crucial for the management and administration of companies, as it involves the designation of new directors or legal representatives.
- Constitutions: 3 constitution acts have been carried out. The creation of new companies is a positive indicator of economic activity and entrepreneurship in the region.
- Cessations: 4 cessation acts have been registered. These acts may reflect changes in management or internal restructuring of companies.
- Revocations: No revocation acts have been registered.
- Unipersonalities: No unipersonality acts have been registered.
- Address Changes: No address change acts have been registered.
- Statutory Modifications: 6 statutory modification acts have been carried out. These changes may include adjustments in the social statutes of companies to adapt to new regulations or strategies.
- Capital Increases: 2 capital increase acts have been registered. This type of act indicates the intention of companies to increase their financial capacity and expand their operations.
- Dissolutions: No dissolution acts have been registered.
- Re-elections: 2 re-election acts have been carried out. Continuity in managerial positions can be a sign of stability and confidence in the current management.
- Bankruptcy Situations: No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered.
- Object Changes: 1 object change act has been registered. This type of act reflects the adaptation of companies to new business opportunities.
- Name Changes: 1 name change act has been registered. This change may be related to rebranding strategies or mergers.
- Capital Reductions: 1 capital reduction act has been registered. This type of act may be a measure to adjust the financial structure of the company.
- Object Expansions: No object expansion acts have been registered.
- Unipersonal Company Changes: No unipersonal company change acts have been registered.
- Loss of Unipersonality: No loss of unipersonality acts have been registered.
- Extinctions: No extinction acts have been registered.
- Mergers: No merger acts have been registered.
- Company Transformations: No company transformation acts have been registered.
Company Examples
Below are some examples of companies registered in the Commercial Registry of Castellón/Castelló, along with links to their profiles and relevant details:
Atracciones Turísticas Benicasim SA
This company, established on January 1, 1982, has a share capital of €218,115,000.00. In the commercial registry, 1 appointment act and 1 cessation act have been registered. No other types of acts have been registered for this company. The stability in the registered acts may indicate a consolidated management without major structural changes.
Acrilatos SA
Established on January 19, 2000, Acrilatos SA has a share capital of €2,424,400.00. Its corporate purpose is the production, marketing, sale, and distribution of chemical products, both organic and inorganic. In the commercial registry, 1 re-election act has been registered, suggesting continuity in its management. No other types of acts have been registered, which could reflect stability in its organizational structure.
The analysis of the acts registered in the Commercial Registry of Castellón/Castelló shows moderate activity in terms of appointments, constitutions, and cessations. The absence of dissolution and bankruptcy situation acts is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in the region. Statutory modifications and capital increases reflect dynamism and adaptation to new opportunities and regulations.
Companies like Atracciones Turísticas Benicasim SA and Acrilatos SA serve as examples of stability and continuity in their respective business areas. The registered information suggests that these companies maintain stable management without major structural changes.
In summary, the business outlook in Castellón/Castelló appears to be positive, with moderate activity and a trend towards stability and growth.