BORME summary in CIUDAD REAL on 2024-09-11.
Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Ciudad Real
Analysis date: September 11, 2024
This financial report focuses on the movements recorded in the Commercial Registry of Ciudad Real. Below, the most relevant facts are described and a detailed analysis of the various registered activities is provided.
The total number of recorded appointment acts amounts to 26. This data reflects considerable activity in terms of the designation of new managerial and administrative positions in the region's companies. A notable example is GESMAYOR GRUPO 5 SL, which has registered one appointment. This company, established on January 5, 2004, has a share capital of 500,050.00 euros and is dedicated to the promotion and management of a nursing home.
There have been 8 acts of new company constitutions recorded. This data indicates a dynamic and growing business environment. The creation of new companies is essential for the local economy as it generates employment and fosters innovation.
Regarding resignations, 17 acts have been recorded. Resignations can be due to various reasons, such as internal restructuring of companies or the departure of executives. An example is AGRICOLA LA CHABOLA SL, which has registered one resignation. This company has a share capital of 125,000,000.00 euros.
Only one act of revocation has been recorded, suggesting relative stability in appointments and resignations of positions.
Sole Proprietorships
Regarding acts of sole proprietorship, 4 have been recorded. These acts reflect changes in the ownership structure of companies, where a single person assumes ownership of the company.
Address Changes
There have been 5 acts of address change recorded. This type of movement may be related to expansion strategies, cost optimization, or the search for better locations for business operations.
Statutory Modifications
Only one act of statutory modification has been recorded. Statutory modifications typically involve changes in the company's bylaws, which can range from changing the corporate purpose to changes in the capital structure.
Capital Increases
There have been 5 acts of capital increase recorded. Capital increases are a positive sign as they indicate that companies are receiving new investments to expand their operations. An example is INVERSING YOUNG SL, established on September 25, 1998, with a share capital of 600,000.00 euros. This company is dedicated to the purchase and sale of diesel, gasoline, and related products.
Only one act of dissolution has been recorded. The dissolution of a company can be due to various reasons, such as financial problems, lack of business viability, or strategic decisions by the owners.
There have been 3 acts of re-election recorded. Re-elections usually indicate continuity and confidence in the current executives of the companies.
Bankruptcy Situations
No bankruptcy situation acts have been recorded. This is a positive sign, indicating that there are no companies in the region undergoing insolvency or bankruptcy processes.
Changes in Corporate Purpose
Only one act of change in corporate purpose has been recorded. Changes in corporate purpose may reflect a strategic reorientation of companies to adapt to new market opportunities.
Changes in Company Name
No acts of change in company name have been recorded. This suggests stability in the brands and trade names of companies in the region.
Capital Reductions
No acts of capital reduction have been recorded. Capital reductions are usually less frequent and may be related to the financial restructuring of companies.
Expansions of Corporate Purpose
No acts of expansion of corporate purpose have been recorded. Expansions of corporate purpose allow companies to diversify their activities and explore new markets.
Changes in Sole Proprietorship
No acts of change in sole proprietorship have been recorded. This type of change involves the transformation of the company's ownership structure.
Losses of Sole Proprietorship
No acts of loss of sole proprietorship have been recorded. The loss of sole proprietorship occurs when a company that was owned by a single person comes to have several owners.
No acts of extinction have been recorded. The extinction of a company implies the definitive cessation of its operations and its removal from the commercial registry.
No acts of merger have been recorded. Mergers are complex processes that involve the union of two or more companies to form a new entity.
Company Transformations
Only one act of company transformation has been recorded. Company transformations involve changes in the legal form of the company, which can have significant implications for its structure and operations.
In conclusion, the Commercial Registry of Ciudad Real shows dynamic business activity, with a significant number of appointments, constitutions, and capital increases. Stability in other aspects, such as bankruptcy situations and extinctions, is a positive sign for the business environment in the region.