BORME summary in GIPUZKOA on 2024-08-09.

Financial Analysis - Gipuzkoa

Financial Analysis of Mercantile Activity in Gipuzkoa

Date: 2024-08-09

This analysis presents a summary of the most relevant facts in the mercantile activities registered in the province of Gipuzkoa. The data has been extracted from various sources and reflects the current situation in terms of appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object extensions, changes in sole proprietorship status, loss of sole proprietorship status, terminations, mergers, and company transformations.

Mercantile Registry of Gipuzkoa

The Mercantile Registry of Gipuzkoa has registered a total of 46 appointment acts, 12 incorporation acts, 21 resignation acts, 4 revocation acts, 4 sole proprietorship acts, 4 address change acts, 0 statutory modification acts, 5 capital increase acts, 3 dissolution acts, 9 re-election acts, 16 insolvency acts, 1 object change act, 1 name change act, 0 capital reduction acts, 0 object extension acts, 0 changes in sole proprietorship status, 0 loss of sole proprietorship status acts, 0 termination acts, 0 merger acts, and 1 company transformation act.

Appointments and Resignations

Appointment and resignation acts are important indicators of business dynamics in Gipuzkoa. With 46 appointments and 21 resignations, there is significant activity in company management. For example, GUREAK ZERBITZU ANITZAK SL, incorporated in 1998 with a share capital of 5,000,000.00 euros, has registered 1 appointment and 1 resignation, reflecting changes in its organizational structure.

Incorporations and Dissolutions

The creation of new companies is an indicator of economic growth. In Gipuzkoa, 12 incorporations and 3 dissolutions have been registered. The company AYESA IBERMATICA SA, incorporated in 1973 with a share capital of 18,171,355.00 euros, has not recently registered any incorporation or dissolution acts, suggesting stability in its operation.

Capital Increases

Capital increases are a sign of business growth and expansion. In Gipuzkoa, 5 capital increase acts have been registered. Although HANNA INSTRUMENTS SL, with a share capital of 34,000,000.00 euros, has not recently registered any capital increases, its solid capital base indicates a strong financial position.

Insolvency Situations

Insolvency situations reflect financial difficulties. In Gipuzkoa, 16 insolvency acts have been registered, indicating that some companies are facing significant challenges. It is crucial to monitor these situations to better understand the local economic environment.

Statutory Modifications and Object Changes

Statutory modifications and changes in the social object are less frequent. Only 1 object change act and 0 statutory modification acts have been registered. The company MARTINEZ FLAMARIQUE SL, incorporated in 1980 with a share capital of 13,176,409.00 euros, has expanded its social object to include the organization and exploitation of cultural, artistic, and sports events.

Company Transformations

Company transformations are significant structural changes. In Gipuzkoa, 1 company transformation act has been registered, indicating a change in the legal form of a company.


The analysis of mercantile acts in Gipuzkoa reveals dynamic business activity with a significant number of appointments, resignations, and capital increases. Insolvency situations are an area of concern, while the incorporation of new companies and company transformations reflect an evolving business environment. Companies such as GUREAK ZERBITZU ANITZAK SL, AYESA IBERMATICA SA, HANNA INSTRUMENTS SL, and MARTINEZ FLAMARIQUE SL are notable examples that illustrate the diversity and strength of the business fabric in the region.