BORME summary in GIRONA on 2024-07-01.
Financial Analysis of the Girona Commercial Registry
Report date: July 1, 2024
This financial analysis is based on the most recent data from the Girona Commercial Registry. Below, the most relevant facts are described and references are made to some of the companies registered in this province.
Relevant Facts
The Girona Commercial Registry has recorded a series of significant acts in the last period. Below, the most notable ones are detailed:
A total of 27 appointments have been made. This number reflects constant activity in the renewal and assignment of managerial positions in the province's companies.
The number of new company constitutions amounts to 10. This data indicates a dynamic and growing business environment. An example of a company constituted in recent years is Recanvis i Colors SL, which was constituted on January 26, 2001, with a share capital of 1,203,358.00 euros. Its corporate purpose includes the purchase, import, export, and commercialization of all kinds of machinery, vehicles, transportation material, accessories, and spare parts.
15 resignations have been recorded, which may reflect changes in the organizational structure of companies. These movements are common in a constantly evolving business environment.
The number of revocations is 2, indicating a low level of changes in authorizations or powers granted within companies.
Single Shareholder Companies
6 acts of single shareholder companies have been recorded, suggesting that some companies are opting for a single shareholder structure.
Address Changes
4 address changes have been carried out. This could be related to expansion or restructuring strategies of companies.
Statutory Modifications
Only 1 statutory modification has been recorded, indicating stability in the companies' statutes.
Capital Increases
1 capital increase has been recorded. This act is significant as it reflects companies' intention to increase their financial capacity for future investments.
The number of dissolutions is 3. This data is important to understand the dynamics of company closures in the region.
4 re-elections have been recorded, suggesting continuity in the management of some companies.
Bankruptcy Situations
4 bankruptcy situations have been recorded, indicating financial difficulties in some companies. This data is crucial for assessing the economic health of the region.
Object Changes
5 object changes have been recorded, which may reflect companies adapting to new market opportunities.
Name Changes
Only 1 name change has been recorded, indicating a low frequency of this type of act.
Capital Reductions
2 capital reductions have been recorded. This act may be related to companies' financial restructuring.
Object Extensions
2 object extensions have been recorded, suggesting that some companies are diversifying their activities.
Single Shareholder Company Changes
1 single shareholder company change has been recorded, indicating a low frequency of this type of act.
Loss of Single Shareholder Status
No loss of single shareholder status has been recorded, suggesting stability in single shareholder companies.
1 extinction has been recorded, indicating a low level of definitive company closures.
No mergers have been recorded, suggesting low activity in this type of act.
Company Transformations
No company transformations have been recorded, indicating stability in companies' corporate structure.
References to Specific Companies
To illustrate some of the acts mentioned, references are made to the following companies:
- Recanvis i Colors SL: Constituted on January 26, 2001, with a share capital of 1,203,358.00 euros. Its corporate purpose includes the purchase, import, export, and commercialization of all kinds of machinery, vehicles, transportation material, accessories, and spare parts.
- Industrias Turísticas Calella SA: Constituted on January 1, 1982, with a share capital of 522,881.00 euros. Although its corporate purpose is not specified, its longevity indicates a stable company in the tourism sector.
- Bugaderia L'Emporda SA: Constituted on January 1, 1990, with a share capital of 1,210,558.00 euros. This company does not specify its corporate purpose, but its share capital suggests a company of considerable size.
- Ona Blava Inversions SL: Constituted on January 1, 2000, with a share capital of 700,000.00 euros. Its corporate purpose includes the purchase and sale of plots and buildings, construction, promotion, and sale of rural and urban properties, as well as their exploitation for sale or rent.
In summary, the Girona Commercial Registry shows dynamic business activity with a significant number of appointments and constitutions, as well as a low level of dissolutions and bankruptcy situations. Companies in the region seem to be adapting to new market opportunities, as indicated by object changes and capital increases. This active business environment is a positive indicator for Girona's economy.