BORME summary in GIRONA on 2024-08-20.
Financial Analysis of the Girona Commercial Registry
Analysis date: August 20, 2024
This financial analysis focuses on the most relevant facts recorded in the Girona Commercial Registry up to the indicated date. Below, the main movements and commercial activities that have taken place are described, providing an overview of the business dynamism in the region.
Registered Commercial Acts
The Girona Commercial Registry has recorded a series of commercial acts that reflect the activity and evolution of companies in the province. The most relevant acts are detailed below:
- Appointments: A total of 20 appointment acts have been registered. This number indicates a high level of activity in terms of changes in the companies' management structures.
- Constitutions: 5 acts of company constitution have been registered, reflecting moderate growth in the creation of new business entities.
- Dismissals: 5 acts of dismissals have been registered, suggesting some stability in management positions, although with some changes.
- Revocations: 2 revocation acts have been registered, indicating a low level of conflicts or drastic changes in business management.
- Sole Proprietorships: 2 acts of sole proprietorship have been registered, reflecting the existence of companies with a single partner.
- Address Changes: 3 acts of address change have been registered, showing some mobility of companies within the province.
- Statutory Modifications: Only 1 statutory modification act has been registered, indicating stability in the companies' statutes.
- Capital Increases: 3 capital increase acts have been registered, suggesting an interest in growth and investment by some companies.
- Dissolutions: No dissolution acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator of business stability in the region.
- Re-elections: No re-election acts have been registered, which may indicate stability in management positions.
- Bankruptcy Situations: No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered, which is a good indicator of the financial health of companies.
- Object Changes: 2 object change acts have been registered, which may reflect companies adapting to new business opportunities.
- Name Changes: No name change acts have been registered, indicating stability in the corporate identity of companies.
- Capital Reductions: No capital reduction acts have been registered, which is a good indicator of the financial health of companies.
- Object Extensions: No object extension acts have been registered, which may suggest stability in business activities.
- Sole Proprietorship Changes: No sole proprietorship change acts have been registered, indicating stability in ownership structure.
- Losses of Sole Proprietorship: No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been registered, suggesting stability in ownership structure.
- Extinctions: No extinction acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator of business continuity.
- Mergers: No merger acts have been registered, which may indicate stability in existing business structures.
- Company Transformations: No company transformation acts have been registered, suggesting stability in the legal form of companies.
Highlighted Companies
Below are some of the most prominent companies in the Girona Commercial Registry, along with links to their profiles and relevant details:
- CHANDRICU SL: Established on March 26, 2012, this company has a share capital of 1,350,478.00 euros. Its corporate purpose is the holding of shares in the companies in which it participates, the management and control of the participated companies, and the provision of support services to the management of the participated companies.
- NATEX SL: With a share capital of 4,863,352.00 euros, this company stands out for its financial solidity. Although its corporate purpose is not specified, its stability is reflected in the absence of dissolution or bankruptcy situation acts.
- INVERAMA SL: With a share capital of 3,808,626.00 euros, this company shows notable stability, with no dissolution, merger, or company transformation acts registered.
- PALAU GELABERT SL: Established on March 20, 2001, this company has a share capital of 5,673,930.00 euros. Its corporate purpose is the purchase, sale, administration, and management of real estate, as well as the promotion, construction, rehabilitation, or maintenance of all types of buildings, houses, chalets, or apartments.
The analysis of the commercial acts registered in the Girona Commercial Registry shows positive stability and financial health in the region. The absence of dissolutions, bankruptcy situations, and company transformations, along with a significant number of appointments and capital increases, suggests a dynamic and growing business environment. The highlighted companies, such as CHANDRICU SL, NATEX SL, INVERAMA SL, and PALAU GELABERT SL, reflect this stability and financial solidity, contributing to the economic development of the province.
This analysis provides an overview of the commercial activity in Girona, highlighting the most relevant aspects and the most significant companies in the commercial registry. The information presented is indicative of the strength and dynamism of the business fabric in the region.