BORME summary in GIRONA on 2024-08-28.
Financial Analysis of Companies in Girona
Report date: August 28, 2024
In this financial analysis, the most relevant facts related to the registry activities of various companies in the province of Girona are presented. This report is based on data obtained from commercial registers and focuses on various corporate actions such as appointments, incorporations, terminations, revocations, among others.
Commercial Register and Corporate Activities
The commercial register of Girona has recorded a total of multiple business acts. Below are the most relevant acts:
- Number of appointments: 23
- Number of incorporations: 14
- Number of terminations: 8
- Number of revocations: 1
- Number of sole proprietorships: 3
- Number of address changes: 2
- Number of statutory modifications: 1
- Number of capital increases: 0
- Number of dissolutions: 1
- Number of re-elections: 3
- Number of bankruptcy situations: 0
- Number of object changes: 1
- Number of name changes: 1
- Number of capital reductions: 0
- Number of object expansions: 0
- Number of changes to sole proprietorship: 0
- Number of losses of sole proprietorship: 0
- Number of extinctions: 0
- Number of mergers: 0
- Number of company transformations: 0
Detailed Analysis by Company
Below are some highlighted cases of companies in Girona, with links to their profiles for more detailed information:
This company, incorporated on January 14, 1971, has a share capital of 735,840.00 euros. Despite its long history, it has not recorded significant acts in the last period, except for a re-election. This could indicate stability in its organizational and operational structure.
Incorporated on November 3, 2004, INVERMIK IMMOBLES SL has a share capital of 132,180,000.00 euros. This company has not recorded significant acts recently, which could reflect consolidation in its management and real estate operations.
Incorporated on June 20, 2001, AGRI DRYAS SL has a share capital of 650,200.00 euros. This company stands out for its expansion of the corporate purpose in 2015, including the management and administration of real estate, agricultural, livestock, forestry activities, and cleaning services. In the last period, it has recorded an appointment and a termination, which could indicate changes in its management structure.
Incorporated on February 8, 1999, this company has a share capital of 2,000,000.00 euros. Its corporate purpose includes the operation of residences for the elderly, hospitality, and recreational activities. It has recorded two appointments, which could indicate an expansion or restructuring in its management team.
In summary, the commercial register of Girona shows moderate activity in terms of appointments, incorporations, and terminations. The absence of acts such as capital increases, mergers, and company transformations suggests stability in the business environment of the region. The analyzed companies, such as LUIS OLIVERAS SA, INVERMIK IMMOBLES SL, AGRI DRYAS SL and EL MIRADOR DE L'ESTANY SL, reflect this stability with few significant changes in their structures and operations.
This analysis provides an overview of the current state of companies in Girona, highlighting the importance of stability and consolidation in the business environment of the region.