BORME summary in GRANADA on 2024-07-12.
Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Granada
Report date: July 12, 2024
This report provides a detailed analysis of the most relevant events recorded in the Commercial Registry of Granada. The collected data covers various business activities, including appointments, incorporations, resignations, dissolutions, and more. Below are the main highlights.
Appointments and Resignations
The total number of recorded appointment acts is 11, while resignations amount to 6. This data reflects an active business dynamic in terms of company management and direction. A notable example is the company ACTUACIONES URBANISTICAS DEL SUR SL, which has recorded one appointment act and one resignation act. This company, incorporated in 1999, has a share capital of 500,000 euros and is engaged in construction works, improvements, and maintenance, both private and public, as well as the purchase and sale of land and buildings.
Incorporations and Dissolutions
During the analyzed period, 4 incorporation acts and 3 dissolution acts have been recorded. These numbers indicate a balance between the creation of new companies and the dissolution of existing ones. The company JOCON INFRAESTRUCTURAS SL, incorporated in 1995, has not recorded any dissolution acts in this period, demonstrating its stability in the market. With a share capital of 500,550 euros, this company remains active in the infrastructure sector.
Sole Proprietorships and Address Changes
4 sole proprietorship acts have been recorded, reflecting the trend of some companies to operate under a single ownership structure. No address changes have been recorded during the analyzed period, suggesting geographical stability of companies in Granada.
Statutory Modifications and Capital Increases
No statutory modification acts or capital increase acts have been recorded. This could indicate that companies in Granada have not made significant changes to their statutes or needed to increase their share capital in this period.
Dissolutions and Bankruptcy Situations
Besides the 3 dissolution acts mentioned earlier, no bankruptcy situations have been recorded. This suggests that although some companies have ceased operations, there has not been a significant increase in insolvency or bankruptcy cases.
Object and Name Changes
No object change acts or name change acts have been recorded. Companies in Granada appear to maintain their original activities and names, which could indicate stability in their business models and brands.
Capital Reductions and Object Expansions
No capital reduction acts or object expansion acts have been recorded. This suggests that companies have not needed to adjust their share capital downwards or expand their business activities during this period.
Company Transformations and Mergers
No company transformation acts or merger acts have been recorded. This could indicate that companies in Granada have not undergone significant corporate restructuring processes or sought consolidation through mergers.
In summary, the Commercial Registry of Granada shows relatively stable business activity with some movements in terms of appointments and resignations, as well as incorporations and dissolutions. The lack of significant changes in other aspects, such as statutory modifications, capital increases, and bankruptcy situations, suggests overall stability in the business environment of Granada.
Companies like ACTUACIONES URBANISTICAS DEL SUR SL and JOCON INFRAESTRUCTURAS SL stand out for their stability and continuity in the market, reflecting the ability of local companies to maintain their operations over time.
This analysis provides an overview of business activity in Granada and can serve as a reference for future studies and strategic decisions.