BORME summary in GRANADA on 2024-07-23.
Financial Analysis of the Granada Commercial Registry
Analysis Date: July 23, 2024
This report provides a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the Granada Commercial Registry, highlighting the most relevant facts and their impact on the business fabric of the province. Below, the main registered acts are broken down and specific examples of affected companies are provided, enriching the analysis with links to their profiles and additional details.
Registered Acts
During the analyzed period, various acts have been registered in the Granada Commercial Registry, reflecting the business dynamics of the region. Below is a breakdown of the most relevant acts:
- Appointments: A total of 14 appointment acts have been registered. This type of act is crucial for company management, as it involves the designation of new directors or legal representatives. An example of a company with an appointment act is Patrimonial Paraíso SL, which has a share capital of 580,000.00 euros and is dedicated to real estate development.
- Constitutions: 4 acts of company constitution have been registered. This data indicates the creation of new companies and the dynamism of the business environment in Granada.
- Cessations: 6 cessation acts have been registered, implying the departure of directors or legal representatives from their positions. This type of act may reflect changes in the strategy or organizational structure of companies.
- Revocations: 3 revocation acts have been registered, which are usually related to the annulment of previously granted powers.
- Single-Member Companies: 1 single-member company act has been registered, indicating that a company has become a single-member company.
- Change of Address: 1 change of address act has been registered, reflecting the relocation of a company's registered office.
- Capital Increases: 2 capital increase acts have been registered, indicating that companies are receiving new investments to expand their operations.
- Dissolutions: 4 dissolution acts have been registered, reflecting the closure of companies. This data is important for understanding business mortality in the region.
- Capital Reductions: 1 capital reduction act has been registered, which may indicate a financial restructuring within the company.
- Extinctions: 1 extinction act has been registered, implying the complete liquidation of a company.
Example Company: Patrimonial Paraíso SL
One of the highlighted companies in this analysis is Patrimonial Paraíso SL, constituted on December 7, 2004, with a share capital of 580,000.00 euros. Its corporate purpose includes the real estate development of rural and urban properties, the purchase and sale of said properties, their leasing (expressly excluding financial leasing), and general agricultural activities.
During the analyzed period, Patrimonial Paraíso SL has registered one appointment act and one revocation act. These acts reflect changes in management and in the structure of powers within the company, which may indicate strategic adjustments to adapt to market conditions.
The analysis of the acts registered in the Granada Commercial Registry reveals a dynamic and constantly evolving business activity. Appointment and constitution acts stand out as the most frequent, suggesting growth in the creation of new companies and in the renewal of management teams. On the other hand, dissolution and extinction acts, although less numerous, are important for understanding business mortality in the region.
Companies like Patrimonial Paraíso SL exemplify the diversity of the business fabric in Granada, with activities ranging from real estate development to agricultural activities. Changes in their management structure and in the powers granted reflect the need to adapt to a constantly changing business environment.
In summary, the Granada Commercial Registry shows a snapshot of an active business environment, with a balance between the creation of new companies and the dissolution of others. This dynamism is crucial for the economic development of the region and for the generation of employment and wealth.