BORME summary in GRANADA on 2024-08-30.
Financial Analysis of Companies in Granada
Analysis date: August 30, 2024
This financial report focuses on the analysis of various companies registered in the province of Granada, highlighting the most relevant facts in terms of commercial acts. Below are the most significant aspects observed in the provided columns.
Commercial Registry
The commercial registry of Granada is the entity responsible for the registration of companies and the commercial acts they perform. In this analysis, various companies with activities registered in this body have been considered.
Appointment Acts
Appointment acts are essential for the management and direction of companies. In the case of the analyzed companies, a total of 5 appointment acts are observed. This data reflects moderate activity in the designation of new managerial positions.
Incorporation Acts
During the analyzed period, no incorporation acts of new companies are recorded. This may indicate stability in the number of operating companies in the province of Granada.
Termination Acts
4 termination acts have been recorded, suggesting some mobility in the managerial positions of companies. This figure may be related to internal restructurings or changes in business strategy.
Revocation Acts
The analysis shows 1 revocation act, indicating a modification in the legal representation or in the powers granted within a company.
Unipersonal Acts
1 unipersonal act is recorded, meaning that one of the companies has become a single-member company, that is, with a single partner. This change may be related to strategic decisions to simplify the business structure.
Change of Address Acts
No change of address acts have been recorded, indicating stability in the locations of the analyzed companies.
Statutory Modification Acts
2 statutory modification acts have been recorded, suggesting that some companies have made changes to their statutes to adapt to new regulations or business strategies. An example of this is Terminal Marítima Granada SL, which has made a statutory modification.
Capital Increase Acts
No capital increase acts have been recorded. This may indicate that companies have not needed to increase their share capital during the analyzed period.
Dissolution Acts
No dissolution acts have been recorded, reflecting stability in the continuity of companies.
Reelection Acts
No reelection acts have been recorded, which may indicate stability in the managerial positions of companies.
Bankruptcy Acts
No bankruptcy acts have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of the analyzed companies.
Change of Object Acts
No change of object acts have been recorded. This suggests that companies have maintained their main activities without needing to make modifications.
Change of Name Acts
1 change of name act has been recorded, indicating that a company has decided to change its name. This type of change may be related to rebranding strategies or mergers.
Capital Reduction Acts
No capital reduction acts have been recorded, indicating that companies have not needed to decrease their share capital during the analyzed period.
Object Expansion Acts
No object expansion acts have been recorded, suggesting that companies have maintained their main activities without needing to expand their scope of action.
Change of Single-Member Company Acts
No change of single-member company acts have been recorded, indicating that there have been no modifications in the corporate structure of companies in this regard.
Loss of Single-Member Status Acts
No loss of single-member status acts have been recorded, suggesting that single-member companies have maintained their structure without changes.
Extinction Acts
No extinction acts have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the operational continuity of companies.
Merger Acts
No merger acts have been recorded, indicating that there have been no integrations of companies during the analyzed period.
Transformation Acts
No transformation acts have been recorded, suggesting that companies have maintained their legal form without changes.
In summary, the analysis of companies registered in the province of Granada reveals stability in terms of commercial acts. Most companies have maintained their structures and main activities without significant changes. However, some mobility is observed in managerial positions, as well as some statutory modifications that may be related to adaptations to new regulations or business strategies.
A notable example is Cervezas Alhambra Sociedad Limitada, with a share capital of 5,730,093.00 euros, whose corporate purpose includes the acquisition, possession, administration, management, and sale of shares and social participations, as well as the provision of management and administration services.
Another example is Selenaman SL, dedicated to the promotion and construction of housing, with a share capital of 180,000.00 euros.
In conclusion, companies in Granada show a trend towards stability and operational continuity, with few significant changes in their structure and activities.