BORME summary in HUESCA on 2024-08-02.
Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Huesca
Report date: 2024-08-02
This report analyzes the most relevant data from the Mercantile Registry of Huesca, highlighting the main movements and acts registered in the last period. This analysis is based on the following columns: appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object extensions, sole proprietorship changes, loss of sole proprietorship, terminations, mergers, and company transformations.
Appointments and Resignations
The mercantile registry of Huesca has recorded a total of 14 appointment acts and 3 resignation acts. These movements reflect an active dynamic in the management and administration of companies in the region. A notable example is the company Piensos Costa SA, which has registered an appointment in this period. This company, incorporated on April 1, 1986, has a share capital of 813,495.00 euros.
Incorporations and Dissolutions
There have been 5 incorporation acts and 1 dissolution act registered. The creation of new companies is a positive indicator of economic growth in the region. On the other hand, the dissolution of a company can reflect various factors, from the end of its life cycle to financial problems. An example of a recently incorporated company is El Esquilador SL, founded on May 7, 1999, with a share capital of 500,000.00 euros and dedicated to providing services to agriculture and livestock.
Revocations and Re-elections
Regarding revocation acts, one act has been registered, while re-election acts amount to 4. Re-elections are an indicator of continuity and stability in the administration of companies. The company Automóviles La Oscense SA, incorporated on March 19, 1935, has registered a re-election in this period. This company has a share capital of 2,312,684.00 euros.
Sole Proprietorships and Sole Proprietorship Changes
There have been 3 sole proprietorship acts registered, while no acts of sole proprietorship changes or loss of sole proprietorship have been registered. These acts reflect the ownership structure of companies, with sole proprietorships indicating companies with a single owner.
Address Changes and Statutory Modifications
The mercantile registry of Huesca has recorded 2 address change acts and no statutory modifications. Address changes can be due to various reasons, such as seeking better business opportunities or optimizing operating costs.
Capital Increases and Reductions
There have been 4 capital increase acts registered and no capital reductions. Capital increases are an indicator of growth and expansion of companies. An example of a company that has made a capital increase is Grupo Agroindustrial Venher SL, with a share capital of 1,043,840,000.00 euros. This company is dedicated to providing financing to other companies in the group.
Dissolutions and Terminations
One dissolution act has been registered and no termination acts. The dissolution of a company can be a complex process involving the liquidation of assets and the payment of debts.
Insolvency Situations
No insolvency situation acts have been registered in the analyzed period. The absence of insolvency situations is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in the region.
Mergers and Company Transformations
No merger or company transformation acts have been registered. Mergers and company transformations are business strategies that can lead to the creation of larger and more competitive entities in the market.
In summary, the mercantile registry of Huesca shows dynamic and growing business activity, with a significant number of appointments, incorporations, and capital increases. The stability in the administration of companies is reflected in the re-election acts, while the absence of insolvency situations and mergers indicates positive financial health. Companies like Piensos Costa SA, Automóviles La Oscense SA, and Grupo Agroindustrial Venher SL stand out in this analysis for their movements and financial structure.