BORME summary in ILLES BALEARS on 2024-07-19.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Illes Balears

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Illes Balears

Date: July 19, 2024

This report provides a detailed analysis of the most relevant acts registered in the Mercantile Registry of Illes Balears. Below, the most notable events are described and links to the profiles of some of the mentioned companies are presented, along with relevant information about their share capital and corporate purpose.

Registry Acts

In the analyzed period, a total of 35 appointments, 20 incorporations, and 11 cessations have been registered. These acts reflect a dynamic business activity in the region, with a notable number of new companies and changes in their administration.


The 35 registered appointments indicate a significant renewal and expansion of the administrative bodies of the companies. A notable example is Meliá Hotels International SA, which has a share capital of 44,080,000.00 euros. This type of act is crucial to ensure efficient management adapted to the changing needs of the market.


The 20 incorporations reflect the dynamism of the business fabric in Illes Balears. The creation of new companies is a positive indicator of confidence in the local economy. An example of a recently incorporated company is Tertian XXI SL, with a share capital of 7,130,269.00 euros and a corporate purpose focused on the acquisition and exploitation of tourist establishments.


The 11 registered cessations may be due to multiple factors, such as internal restructurings or changes in business strategy. These acts are a natural part of the business life cycle and can open opportunities for new incorporations and strategic changes.


No revocation acts have been registered in the analyzed period, indicating stability in the decisions previously made by the companies.

Single-Member Companies

17 single-member company acts have been registered, reflecting the trend of some companies to operate under the single-member company structure. This type of structure can offer advantages in terms of control and management.

Address Changes

3 address changes have been registered, which may indicate a strategic relocation of companies to improve their operations or access new markets. An example is Orfeo Alquileres SL, which has made an address change in this period.

Statutory Modifications

1 statutory modification has been registered, suggesting adjustments in a company's internal rules to adapt to new circumstances or improve its governance.

Capital Increases

The 3 registered capital increases reflect the companies' intention to strengthen their financial structure to undertake new projects or expand their operations. This type of act is fundamental for business growth and sustainability.


2 dissolutions have been registered, an act that, although negative, is part of the business life cycle. Dissolutions can be due to multiple factors, such as economic infeasibility or the completion of the company's corporate purpose.


No re-election acts have been registered, indicating stability in the companies' administrative bodies.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situations have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in Illes Balears.

Object Changes

No object changes have been registered, suggesting that companies maintain their focus on the activities for which they were incorporated.

Name Changes

1 name change has been registered, an act that may be motivated by rebranding reasons or changes in corporate strategy.

Capital Reductions

1 capital reduction has been registered, an act that may be motivated by the need to adjust the company's financial structure to its operational reality.

Object Extensions

No object extensions have been registered, indicating that companies have not diversified their activities in the analyzed period.

Single-Member Company Changes

1 single-member company change has been registered, which may reflect an internal restructuring to improve the company's management and control.

Loss of Single-Member Company Status

No loss of single-member company status has been registered, suggesting stability in the structures of single-member companies.


1 extinction has been registered, an act that marks the end of a company's legal existence.


No mergers have been registered, indicating that there have been no business consolidations in the analyzed period.

Company Transformations

No company transformations have been registered, suggesting stability in the legal forms of companies.


In summary, the Mercantile Registry of Illes Balears has reflected dynamic and varied business activity in the analyzed period. The acts of appointments, incorporations, and capital increases stand out as the most relevant, indicating a constantly evolving and growing business environment. Companies like Meliá Hotels International SA and Tertian XXI SL exemplify this dynamism with their respective activities and robust financial structures.