BORME summary in ILLES BALEARS on 2024-10-02.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of ILLES BALEARS

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of ILLES BALEARS

Date: 2024-10-02

The analysis of the commercial registry of ILLES BALEARS reveals a series of relevant facts that reflect the business dynamics of the region. Below are the most notable aspects, based on the data provided.


The number of registered appointment acts is significant, with a total of 16 acts. This data suggests high activity in the designation of new positions within companies, which may be related to expansions, restructurings, or the creation of new business areas.


There have been 5 acts of constitutions registered, indicating the creation of new companies in the region. This is a positive indicator of economic vitality and entrepreneurial spirit in ILLES BALEARS.

Resignations and Revocations

As for resignations and revocations, both have 5 registered acts. This may reflect changes in the management or administration of companies, possibly due to strategic adjustments or internal reorganizations.

Sole Proprietorships

There have been 4 acts of sole proprietorships registered, which could indicate the tendency of some companies to operate under a single ownership structure. This type of structure can offer advantages in terms of control and decision-making.

Address Changes

The 3 registered acts of address changes may be indicative of the search for better strategic locations or the need for more suitable spaces for business operations.

Capital Increases

Only 1 act of capital increase has been registered, suggesting that while there is interest in increasing social capital, this is not a very frequent phenomenon in the region.


With 2 acts of dissolutions, it is observed that some companies have ceased their operations, which may be due to various factors such as lack of profitability or market changes.

Other Acts

It is notable that no acts of statutory modifications, re-elections, bankruptcy situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, sole proprietorship changes, sole proprietorship losses, terminations, mergers, or company transformations have been registered.

Notable Cases

Among the registered companies, two cases stand out that deserve special mention:


Incorporated on April 6, 1999, LIO IBIZA SL has a social capital of 1,276,005.00 euros. This company has registered 1 appointment act and 1 revocation act, indicating some stability in its organizational structure. However, the absence of other acts suggests that the company has not made significant changes to its structure or capital in recent times.


Incorporated on January 27, 2015, NOOTEBOOM REAL ESTATE SPAIN SL has a social capital of 2,000,000.00 euros and is dedicated to the purchase, sale, rental, leasing, and management of real estate. This company has registered 1 address change act, which could indicate a relocation strategy to improve its operability or accessibility.


In summary, the commercial registry of ILLES BALEARS shows moderate activity in terms of appointments and constitutions, with some address changes and dissolutions. Stability in other types of acts suggests that many companies are operating without making significant changes to their structure or capital. The cases of LIO IBIZA SL and NOOTEBOOM REAL ESTATE SPAIN SL exemplify different aspects of the business dynamics in the region.

This analysis provides an overview of business activity in ILLES BALEARS and can serve as a basis for future investment decisions or business strategies.