BORME summary in JAÉN on 2024-07-31.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Jaén

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Jaén as of July 31, 2024

This report offers a detailed analysis of the main events recorded in the Mercantile Registry of Jaén up to the date of July 31, 2024. Below, the most relevant acts are described, as well as specific examples of companies that reflect these activities.


The total number of recorded appointment acts amounts to 27. This figure indicates a dynamic business activity, where companies are renewing or expanding their executive teams. An example of a company that has recorded an appointment act is Serrano Melero SL, which has a share capital of 24,782,551 euros.


Regarding constitutions, 13 acts have been recorded. This number suggests moderate growth in the creation of new companies in the province. The formation of new companies is a positive indicator of business confidence and the economic dynamism of the region.


There have been 12 dismissal acts, which can be interpreted as a reflection of internal restructuring in various companies. An example of this is Serrano Melero SL, which has recorded a dismissal act.


The number of revocations is relatively low, with only 2 acts recorded. This data can be interpreted as a sign of stability in business decisions, where few companies have had to reverse previously made decisions. An example of a company with a revocation act is Valeo España SA, which has a share capital of 37,975,000 euros.

Sole Proprietorships

10 sole proprietorship acts have been recorded, indicating that a dozen companies have adopted or lost their sole proprietorship status. These types of acts are relevant to understanding the ownership structure of companies in the region.

Address Changes

With 4 address change acts, this number suggests some business mobility within the province. Companies are seeking locations that better suit their operational and strategic needs.

Statutory Modifications

No statutory modification acts have been recorded, which may indicate stability in the internal regulations of companies.

Capital Increases

No capital increase acts have been recorded. This data could be interpreted as a lack of need for additional capital injections by companies, possibly due to financial stability.


3 dissolution acts have been recorded, a relatively low number that may indicate stability in the survival of companies. The dissolution of companies is a critical indicator of business health in the region.


With 3 re-election acts, this data suggests that some companies have opted to retain their current executives, which may be a sign of confidence in their management. An example is Construcciones Chamorro SA, which has recorded a re-election act and has a share capital of 36,000,000 euros.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situation acts have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the solvency and financial stability of companies in the province.

Object Changes

Only one object change act has been recorded, indicating that most companies maintain their main activities without significant modifications.

Name Changes

No name change acts have been recorded, suggesting stability in the corporate identity of companies.

Capital Reductions

No capital reduction acts have been recorded, which can be interpreted as a sign that companies have not needed to significantly adjust their capital structure.

Object Extensions

No object extension acts have been recorded, suggesting that companies have not significantly diversified their activities.

Sole Proprietorship Changes

No sole proprietorship change acts have been recorded, indicating stability in the ownership structure of companies.

Losses of Sole Proprietorship

No losses of sole proprietorship acts have been recorded, suggesting that companies that adopted this structure have maintained it.


No extinction acts have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the continuity of companies in the region.


No merger acts have been recorded, which can be interpreted as a lack of business consolidation in the province.

Company Transformations

No company transformation acts have been recorded, suggesting stability in the legal form of companies.


In summary, the analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Jaén as of July 31, 2024, shows general stability in the business fabric of the province. The appointment and constitution acts reflect moderate dynamism, while the low numbers in dissolutions and bankruptcy situations indicate good financial health of companies. Stability in other acts such as statutory modifications, capital increases, and mergers suggests that companies are operating in a relatively stable environment.