BORME summary in LA RIOJA on 2024-07-23.
Financial Analysis of the La Rioja Commercial Registry
Report date: July 23, 2024
This financial analysis focuses on the most relevant data from the La Rioja Commercial Registry. Below, the most significant facts related to the different registry activities are detailed, providing a comprehensive view of the business state in this province.
The total number of registered appointment acts is 29. This figure reflects a constant activity in the designation of new managerial and administrative positions in the region's companies. An example of a company in La Rioja is Conservas Cabezón SL, although it has not registered appointment acts recently.
16 acts of new company constitution have been registered. This indicator is crucial for evaluating the entrepreneurial dynamics of the region. The creation of new companies is a positive sign of economic growth and confidence in the local market.
The number of registered resignations is 6. This data can be interpreted as a sign of internal restructuring in some companies, where certain members of the management team have left.
3 acts of revocation have been registered. Revocations can be due to various reasons, such as changes in business strategy or the need to adjust the organizational structure.
Single-member Companies
9 acts of single-member company status have been registered. These acts reflect the decision of some companies to operate under the single-member company figure, which can offer advantages in terms of control and management.
Address Changes
No acts of address changes have been registered. This suggests stability in the location of companies within the province of La Rioja.
Statutory Modifications
2 acts of statutory modifications have been registered. Statutory modifications are essential to adapt the social statutes to new realities or business needs.
Capital Increases
No acts of capital increases have been registered. The absence of capital increases could indicate that companies have not needed to resort to this financial tool to increase their operational capacity or finance new projects.
3 acts of dissolution have been registered. The dissolution of companies can be due to various reasons, such as financial difficulties, market changes, or strategic decisions by the partners. In this context, it is important to mention that Conservas Cabezón SL has not registered dissolution acts.
1 act of re-election has been registered. Re-elections usually reflect the partners' confidence in the current management of the company, allowing the directors to continue in their positions.
Bankruptcy Situations
2 acts of bankruptcy situations have been registered. Bankruptcy situations indicate significant financial difficulties that have led some companies to initiate restructuring or liquidation processes. An example is Conservas Cabezón SL, which has registered 2 bankruptcy situations.
Object Changes
No acts of object changes have been registered. This suggests that companies have maintained their main activities without needing to modify their social object.
Denomination Changes
No acts of denomination changes have been registered. The stability in the social denomination of companies can be an indicator of continuity and market recognition.
Capital Reductions
No acts of capital reductions have been registered. The absence of capital reductions can be interpreted as a sign of financial stability, as companies have not needed to adjust their social capital downwards.
Object Expansions
No acts of object expansions have been registered. This indicates that companies have not felt the need to diversify or expand their activities beyond their original social object.
Single-member Company Changes
No acts of single-member company changes have been registered. The stability in the corporate structure suggests that companies have maintained their legal form without needing to transform into single-member companies or vice versa.
Loss of Single-member Status
No acts of loss of single-member status have been registered. This reflects that single-member companies have maintained their structure without significant changes in the composition of their partners.
1 act of extinction has been registered. The extinction of a company marks the end of its activity and can be due to various reasons, such as the completion of its social object or the decision of the partners to cease operations.
No acts of mergers have been registered. The absence of mergers may indicate that companies have opted to maintain their independence and have not sought to integrate with other entities.
Company Transformations
No acts of company transformations have been registered. This suggests that companies have maintained their original legal form without needing to transform into another type of company.
In summary, the La Rioja Commercial Registry shows varied business activity with a significant number of appointments and constitutions, reflecting positive dynamism in the region. However, some acts of dissolution and bankruptcy situations are also observed, indicating that certain companies have faced financial difficulties. Stability in aspects such as address changes, denomination, and capital increases suggests a relatively solid and consistent business base.
For more details about a specific company in La Rioja, you can consult the file of Conservas Cabezón SL.