BORME summary in LA RIOJA on 2024-09-16.
Financial Analysis of Mercantile Activities in La Rioja
Report Date: September 16, 2024
This report analyzes the mercantile activities registered in the province of La Rioja, based on the data obtained to date. This analysis focuses on various corporate actions, such as appointments, incorporations, resignations, capital increases, among others, which reflect the business dynamics of the region.
Mercantile Registry of La Rioja
The Mercantile Registry of La Rioja has documented a series of corporate acts that highlight the economic activity of the region. Below are the most relevant facts:
A total of 12 appointment acts have been registered. This number reflects significant activity in terms of business management and administration. An example of this is the company CASARFONT SL, which has made 2 appointments. This company, with a share capital of 83,193,000.00 euros, is dedicated to leasing exploitation rights of businesses related to the sale of furniture, appliances, and decoration items.
There have been 6 incorporation acts. This indicator is crucial as it shows the creation of new business entities in the region, which is a good omen for economic growth and job creation.
There have been 5 resignation acts. Resignations can be interpreted as changes in the organizational structure of companies, which may be due to various reasons such as internal restructurings or strategic changes.
No revocation acts have been registered, indicating stability in the decisions previously made by companies regarding appointments and powers.
Sole Proprietorships
There have been 3 sole proprietorship acts documented. These types of acts are important as they reflect the ownership structure of companies, where a single person owns the entity. An example is the company PEREZ REPUESTOS Y TALLERES SA, established in 1958, with a share capital of 700,036.00 euros.
Address Changes
No address change acts have been registered. This suggests geographical stability of companies in the region.
Statutory Modifications
There has been 1 statutory modification act registered. These types of acts are essential for companies to adapt to new regulations or changes in their organizational structure.
Capital Increases
There has been 1 capital increase act carried out. Capital increases indicate companies' intention to expand and increase their operational capacity.
No dissolution acts have been registered, which is positive as it indicates a low rate of company closures in the region.
There have been 3 reelection acts registered. Reelections are important as they reflect the continuity and confidence in the current management of companies.
Bankruptcy Situations
No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in the region.
Object Changes
No object change acts have been registered. This suggests that companies maintain their original business lines.
Name Changes
No name change acts have been registered, indicating that companies maintain their corporate identity.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered. This is positive as capital reductions are usually indicative of financial problems.
Object Expansions
No object expansion acts have been registered. Companies seem focused on their current activities without diversifying into new business areas.
Sole Proprietorship Changes
There has been 1 sole proprietorship change act registered. These types of changes are important as they may reflect a transition in the ownership structure of the company.
Losses of Sole Proprietorship
No losses of sole proprietorship acts have been registered, indicating stability in the ownership structure of companies.
No extinction acts have been registered, which is positive as it indicates that there have been no definitive company closures.
No merger acts have been registered. This suggests that there have been no significant consolidations in the business market of the region.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been registered, indicating stability in the legal form of companies.
In summary, mercantile activity in La Rioja shows a positive trend with a considerable number of appointments and incorporations, and a low incidence of dissolutions and bankruptcy situations. Companies like CASARFONT SL and PEREZ REPUESTOS Y TALLERES SA stand out for their stability and adaptability in the market.