BORME summary in LAS PALMAS on 2024-08-27.
Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas
Report date: August 27, 2024
In this financial analysis, the most relevant data from the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas are examined, with special attention to the acts registered in recent times. This report focuses on the following columns: appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, bankruptcy situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, changes in sole proprietorship status, loss of sole proprietorship status, terminations, mergers, and company transformations.
The number of registered appointment acts is significantly high, with a total of 13 acts. This data reflects an active business dynamic in terms of management and administration. For example, the company VAN DALLE SL, incorporated on February 16, 1998, has registered 3 appointment acts. This company, with a share capital of 1,200,000.00 euros, is dedicated to the construction, promotion, operation, purchase, and sale of real estate and tourist facilities.
The number of incorporation acts is 7, indicating moderate growth in the creation of new companies. This data is relevant as it shows a continuous interest in entrepreneurship and the formation of new legal entities in the region.
There have been 2 resignation acts registered, which can be interpreted as an indicator of changes in the direction or administration of companies. For example, the company ILUNION LAVANDERIAS DE CANARIAS SA, incorporated on August 30, 1999, has not registered any resignation acts, suggesting stability in its management structure. This company, with a share capital of 3,000,000.00 euros, is dedicated to the development of industrial laundry and hygiene services, as well as the provision of cleaning services in hotel, healthcare, and residential establishments.
No revocation acts have been registered, which can be interpreted as a sign of stability in business decisions and confidence in the appointments made.
Sole Proprietorships
There have been 2 sole proprietorship acts registered, indicating the presence of companies operating under the sole proprietorship structure. This data is relevant to understand the ownership structure of companies in the region.
Address Changes
No address change acts have been registered, suggesting stability in the location of business headquarters.
Statutory Modifications
One statutory modification act has been registered, indicating that some companies are making adjustments to their statutes to adapt to new circumstances or needs. For example, the company VAN DALLE SL has registered one statutory modification act, reflecting its ability to adapt and evolve in the market.
Capital Increases
No capital increase acts have been registered, which can be interpreted as a lack of need to increase share capital by companies during this period.
No dissolution acts have been registered, suggesting continuity in business operations and an absence of company closures during the analyzed period.
No re-election acts have been registered, which may indicate that there has been no need to renew mandates in company boards of directors.
Bankruptcy Situations
No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in the region.
Object Changes
No object change acts have been registered, suggesting that companies are maintaining their initial activities without the need to diversify or change their business focus.
Name Changes
No name change acts have been registered, indicating stability in the corporate identity of companies.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered, suggesting that companies have not needed to adjust their share capital downwards.
Object Expansions
No object expansion acts have been registered, indicating that companies have not expanded their scope of activities during the analyzed period.
Changes in Sole Proprietorship Status
No changes in sole proprietorship status acts have been registered, suggesting stability in the ownership structure of companies.
Loss of Sole Proprietorship Status
No loss of sole proprietorship status acts have been registered, indicating that sole proprietorship companies have maintained their structure without changes.
No termination acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the continuity of business operations.
No merger acts have been registered, suggesting an absence of business consolidations during the analyzed period.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been registered, indicating that companies have not changed their legal form during the analyzed period.
In conclusion, the analysis of the data from the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas shows stability in most business aspects, with a significant number of appointments and incorporations, and an absence of negative acts such as dissolutions or bankruptcy situations. Companies like VAN DALLE SL and ILUNION LAVANDERIAS DE CANARIAS SA stand out for their stability and ability to adapt in the market.