BORME summary in LEÓN on 2024-08-12.
Financial Analysis of the León Commercial Registry
Date: August 12, 2024
In this financial analysis, we will examine the most relevant data from the León Commercial Registry, highlighting the most significant facts related to the companies registered in this province. Below is a detailed analysis of the different categories of registered commercial acts.
The total number of registered appointment acts is 7. This data reflects moderate activity in terms of changes in the administration of companies. An example of a company in León is Sun Alchemy SL, which has not registered any recent appointments. This data may indicate stability in its administrative structure.
There have been 3 acts of constitutions registered. This number suggests that there is a continuous interest in creating new companies in the province. The company Bodegas Margon SL, constituted on February 21, 2007, is an example of a company that has been established in León and has managed to remain active in the market.
The number of resignation acts is 4. This data indicates that there have been some changes in the administration of companies, which could be due to various reasons such as internal reorganizations or strategic changes. For example, Bodegas Margon SL has registered a resignation, which could reflect an adjustment in its management team.
There has been 1 act of revocation registered. The revocation of powers or appointments is less frequent, suggesting that companies in León maintain a relatively stable administrative structure. Bodegas Margon SL has also registered a revocation, which could be related to changes in its business strategy.
Sole Proprietorships
The number of sole proprietorship acts is 3. This indicates that some companies have opted to become sole proprietorships, which may be a strategy to simplify management and decision-making. Bodegas Margon SL has registered a sole proprietorship act, which could reflect a strategic decision to consolidate control in one person.
Address Changes
There have been 2 address change acts registered. This data suggests that some companies have decided to change their location, possibly to improve their operations or access new markets. Sun Alchemy SL has registered an address change, which could be related to an expansion strategy or relocation to optimize its operations.
Statutory Modifications
No statutory modification acts have been registered. This data suggests that companies in León have not made significant changes to their statutes recently, which could indicate stability in their internal structures and policies.
Capital Increases
No capital increase acts have been registered. This may indicate that companies have not needed to increase their share capital recently, which could be a sign that they are operating with financial sufficiency. For example, Sun Alchemy SL has a share capital of 100,157.00 euros, which seems sufficient for its current operations.
There have been 2 dissolution acts registered. This data indicates that some companies have ceased their operations, which could be due to various reasons such as lack of profitability or strategic decisions by the owners. The absence of dissolutions in companies like Sun Alchemy SL and Bodegas Margon SL suggests that these companies have managed to remain operational and profitable.
There has been 1 re-election act registered. This data suggests that some companies have opted to retain their current directors, which could be a sign of confidence in their leadership. Productos para Animales de Compañía San Dimas SA has registered a re-election, which could indicate continuity in its business strategy.
Bankruptcy Situations
No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered. This is a positive sign, as it indicates that no company in León has had to resort to bankruptcy proceedings recently, suggesting overall financial health in the province.
Object Changes
No object change acts have been registered. This suggests that companies have maintained their main activities without needing to diversify or change their business focus. Sun Alchemy SL, for example, maintains its corporate purpose focused on business management consulting and renewable energy exploitation.
Name Changes
No name change acts have been registered. This indicates that companies have maintained their trade names, which can be a sign of stability and brand recognition in the market.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered. This suggests that companies have not needed to decrease their share capital, which could be a sign of financial stability.
Object Expansions
No object expansion acts have been registered. This indicates that companies have not felt the need to diversify their main activities, which could be a sign of specialization and focus on their current business areas.
Sole Proprietorship Changes
No sole proprietorship change acts have been registered. This suggests that companies that have opted to be sole proprietorships have maintained this structure without changes.
Loss of Sole Proprietorship
No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been registered. This indicates that companies that have been constituted as sole proprietorships have not reversed this decision.
No extinction acts have been registered. This suggests that no company in León has completely ceased its operations officially.
No merger acts have been registered. This indicates that there have been no consolidations of companies in the province recently, which could be a sign of market stability.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been registered. This suggests that companies have maintained their legal structures without needing to make significant changes.
In conclusion, the analysis of the data from the León Commercial Registry reveals a situation of general stability in the companies of the province. The commercial activity shows a balance between constitutions, resignations, and appointments, with few significant modifications in the structures and corporate purposes of the companies. The absence of bankruptcy situations and stability in share capital are positive signs of the financial health of companies in León.