BORME summary in LEÓN on 2024-09-04.
Financial Analysis of the León Commercial Registry
Report Date: 2024-09-04
This report provides a detailed analysis of the most relevant facts recorded in the León Commercial Registry. Various data columns reflecting business activities in the region have been taken into account. Below, the most notable aspects are described.
Appointments and Resignations
The number of recorded appointment acts is 7, while resignations amount to 4. These data indicate a constant dynamic in business management, with changes in direction and administration. For example, the company GH GENHELIX SA has recorded 1 appointment and 1 resignation, reflecting moderate activity in its management structure.
Constitutions and Dissolutions
There have been 3 acts of constitutions and no dissolutions recorded. This suggests a growing business environment, with new companies being established in the region. A notable example is AUTOPISTAS DE LEON SOCIEDAD ANONIMA CONCESIONARIA DEL ESTADO, constituted on April 14, 2000, with a share capital of 31,830,000.00 euros, dedicated to the construction and operation of toll highways.
Revocations and Sole Proprietorships
No revocation acts have been recorded, indicating stability in the authorizations and powers granted. Regarding sole proprietorships, 1 act has been recorded, reflecting a low incidence of companies operating under this modality.
Address Changes
There have been 2 acts of address changes recorded, suggesting some mobility among companies regarding their physical location. An example is MADERAS DEL RIO SL, which has made an address change.
Statutory Modifications
No statutory modification acts have been recorded, which may indicate that companies maintain their original statutes without significant adaptations.
Capital Increases and Reductions
There have been 4 acts of capital increases and no capital reductions recorded. This is a positive indicator, as capital increases usually reflect an intention for growth and expansion. For example, GH GENHELIX SA has a share capital of 9,100,000.00 euros, showing a solid financial base for its activities in the biotechnology sector.
Dissolutions and Re-elections
No dissolutions have been recorded, which is a sign of business stability. One act of re-election has been recorded, indicating continuity in the management of some companies.
Bankruptcy Situations
No bankruptcy situation acts have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in the region.
Object and Name Changes
There have been 3 acts of object changes and no name changes recorded. Object changes reflect the adaptability of companies to new business opportunities. An example is AUTOCARES SANZ LOPEZ SL, which has expanded its corporate purpose to include the rental of motor vehicles.
Object Expansions
No object expansion acts have been recorded, suggesting that companies maintain their main activities without significant diversification.
Changes and Losses of Sole Proprietorship
No acts of changes or losses of sole proprietorship have been recorded, indicating stability in the ownership structure of companies.
Extinctions, Mergers, and Transformations
No acts of extinctions, mergers, or company transformations have been recorded, suggesting stability in the corporate structure of companies in the region.
In summary, the analysis of the data from the León Commercial Registry shows a stable and growing business environment. The absence of dissolutions and bankruptcy situations, along with capital increases and constitutions, are positive indicators. Companies in León, such as AUTOPISTAS DE LEON SOCIEDAD ANONIMA CONCESIONARIA DEL ESTADO and GH GENHELIX SA, show financial solidity and adaptability, which augurs a promising future for the region.