BORME summary in LLEIDA on 2024-07-17.
Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Lleida
Analysis date: July 17, 2024
This report presents a detailed analysis of the most relevant events recorded in the Mercantile Registry of Lleida, based on the data obtained up to the mentioned date. Below, the main aspects and movements observed in various companies in the region are described.
The total number of recorded appointment acts is 12. This data indicates moderate activity in the renewal and designation of executive positions in Lleida companies. An example of a company that has recorded an appointment is Vallfonda SL, which is dedicated to the production, transformation, and commercialization of agricultural, livestock, and forestry products. With a share capital of 662,880.00 euros, this company shows a solid and growing organizational structure.
2 acts of constitutions have been recorded, reflecting the creation of new companies in the region. This data is positive, as it indicates dynamism in the local business fabric. The constitution of new companies is fundamental for economic development and job creation.
The number of recorded cessations is 7. This data can be interpreted in various ways, as it may be due to internal restructuring of companies or the departure of executives for various reasons. An example of a company with a recorded cessation is Empresa Municipal de Distribució d'Energia Elèctrica d'Almenar SL, which is dedicated to the distribution of electrical energy and has a share capital of 500,000.00 euros.
No acts of revocations have been recorded, which can be interpreted as stability in business decisions and confidence in the current executive positions.
1 act of unipersonality has been recorded, indicating the existence of a company that has come to be managed by a single partner. Such changes may be due to the simplification of the corporate structure or the concentration of ownership in one person.
Changes of Address
3 acts of changes of address have been recorded. This data may reflect the search for better strategic locations or the need for more suitable spaces for the development of business activities.
Statutory Modifications
No acts of statutory modifications have been recorded, suggesting stability in the social statutes of the companies in the region.
Capital Increases
No acts of capital increases have been recorded. This data may indicate that companies have not needed to increase their share capital recently, which could be a sign of financial stability.
2 acts of dissolutions have been recorded, reflecting the closure of some companies. This data is relevant, as it may indicate economic difficulties or the completion of business projects.
No acts of re-elections have been recorded, which can be interpreted as a lack of need to renew mandates in the administrative bodies of companies.
Bankruptcy Situations
4 acts of bankruptcy situations have been recorded, indicating that some companies have faced significant financial difficulties. This data is concerning, as it reflects solvency problems and the need for restructuring to avoid bankruptcy.
Changes of Object
1 act of change of social object has been recorded, indicating that a company has decided to modify its main activity. Such changes may be due to adaptation to new market opportunities or the need for diversification.
Changes of Name
No acts of changes of name have been recorded, suggesting stability in the brands and trade names of companies in the region.
Capital Reductions
No acts of capital reductions have been recorded, which may be a positive sign that companies have not needed to adjust their share capital downwards.
Object Extensions
No acts of object extensions have been recorded, suggesting that companies have not expanded their main activities recently.
Changes of Unipersonal Company
No acts of changes of unipersonal company have been recorded, indicating that there have been no significant transformations in the ownership structure of companies.
Losses of Unipersonality
No acts of losses of unipersonality have been recorded, suggesting that unipersonal companies have maintained their structure without changes.
No acts of extinctions have been recorded, indicating that there have been no definitive closures of companies beyond the mentioned dissolutions.
No acts of mergers have been recorded, suggesting that there have been no integrations of companies in the region recently.
Company Transformations
No acts of company transformations have been recorded, indicating stability in the legal form of companies.
In summary, the Mercantile Registry of Lleida shows moderate business activity with some signs of stability and others of concern. The creation of new companies and stability in appointments are positive aspects, while bankruptcy situations and dissolutions reflect certain economic challenges. Companies like Vallfonda SL and Empresa Municipal de Distribució d'Energia Elèctrica d'Almenar SL stand out for their activities and solid financial structures, contributing to the economic dynamism of the region.