BORME summary in LLEIDA on 2024-08-27.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Lleida

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Lleida

Report Date: 2024-08-27

The financial analysis of the Commercial Registry of Lleida reveals a series of relevant facts that reflect business activity in this province. Below are the most significant data obtained from the registry, along with specific examples of companies that illustrate these facts.


The total number of recorded appointment acts is 5. This figure indicates a moderate level of changes in the administration of companies, which may reflect adjustments in corporate strategies or the incorporation of new talents to improve business management.


No constitution acts have been recorded in the analyzed period. This could suggest a stabilization in the creation of new companies in the province of Lleida.


3 cessation acts have been recorded. This number, although not high, may indicate certain changes in the managerial structures of companies, possibly due to internal restructurings or changes in strategic direction.


The registry shows 2 revocation acts. Revocations may be related to the need to adjust previous decisions or the replacement of executives with others more aligned with the current objectives of the company.

Address Changes

3 address change acts have been recorded. This fact may be related to the search for better strategic locations or the need to expand or reduce physical spaces according to the operational needs of companies.

Capital Increases

The registry shows 2 capital increase acts. Capital increases are positive indicators that reflect the intention of companies to strengthen their financial structure to undertake new projects or expand their operations. An example of a company with a solid capital base is EVENECE SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS SL, which has a share capital of 3,645,000.00 euros.


1 dissolution act has been recorded. Dissolutions can result from strategic decisions to close unprofitable operations or merge with other entities.

Bankruptcy Situations

The number of bankruptcy situation acts is 4. This figure is relevant as it reflects financial difficulties in some companies, which may be an indicator of broader economic problems in the region.

Other Acts

No acts have been recorded in the following categories: constitutions, statutory modifications, re-elections, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object extensions, changes to sole proprietorship, loss of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, and company transformations.

Examples of Relevant Companies

In addition to EVENECE SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS SL, another prominent company in the registry is POS SERVICE HOLLAND SPAIN SA, established on December 22, 2008, with a share capital of 1,499,400.00 euros. This company is dedicated to the wholesale and retail sale of automotive materials and spare parts, as well as the representation of brands and licenses of products related to this activity.


In summary, the analysis of the Commercial Registry of Lleida shows relatively stable business activity, with some changes in the administration and strategies of companies. Capital increases and address changes reflect positive dynamism, while bankruptcy situations indicate the presence of financial challenges. The mentioned companies, such as EVENECE SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS SL and POS SERVICE HOLLAND SPAIN SA, exemplify the diversity and potential of the entities registered in Lleida.