BORME summary in LLEIDA on 2024-09-12.
Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Lleida
Analysis Date: September 12, 2024
This report presents a detailed financial analysis of the acts registered in the Commercial Registry of Lleida. Below, the most relevant facts in various categories of commercial acts are described, referring to specific companies to illustrate key points.
The total number of registered appointment acts is 5. This number reflects moderate activity in terms of changes in company administration. For example, the company Caja Rural de Guissona Sociedad Cooperativa de Crédito, with a share capital of 601,012.00 euros, has not registered recent appointment acts, suggesting stability in its administrative structure.
2 acts of company constitution have been registered. This data indicates moderate business growth in the region. The company Centre Integral del Solsones SL, constituted on December 17, 1998, with a share capital of 350,202.00 euros, is an example of an established company that has contributed to the economic development of Lleida.
The number of registered dismissals is 4. This data can be interpreted as a sign of internal restructuring in several companies. Centre Integral del Solsones SL has registered 1 dismissal act, which could indicate a change in its direction or administration.
No revocation acts have been registered. This suggests that the administrative decisions and appointments made in Lleida companies have been stable and have not required revisions or annulments.
No unipersonality acts have been registered. This indicates that there have been no significant changes in the ownership structure of companies, remaining as companies with multiple partners or shareholders.
Change of Address
No change of address acts have been registered. This suggests geographical stability of companies in Lleida, without significant movements of their headquarters.
Statutory Modifications
No statutory modification acts have been registered. This indicates that companies have maintained their original statutes without the need to make significant changes to their internal rules.
Capital Increases
No capital increase acts have been registered. This may indicate that companies have not needed to increase their share capital to finance new activities or projects.
1 dissolution act has been registered. This data is relevant as it indicates the closure of a company. However, the low number suggests that most companies in Lleida have maintained their operations.
2 re-election acts have been registered. This reflects continuity in the administration of some companies, such as Caja Rural de Guissona Sociedad Cooperativa de Crédito, which has registered re-election acts, indicating confidence in its management team.
Bankruptcy Situations
1 bankruptcy situation act has been registered. This data is significant as it indicates financial difficulties in at least one company. The affected company must follow a legal process to resolve its insolvency situation.
Change of Object
1 change of object act has been registered. This suggests that a company has decided to modify its main activity. Such changes can be strategic to adapt to new market opportunities.
Change of Name
No change of name acts have been registered. This indicates that companies have maintained their original names, without the need for rebranding or changes in corporate identity.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered. This suggests that companies have not needed to decrease their share capital, which is a positive sign of financial stability.
Expansion of Object
No expansion of object acts have been registered. This indicates that companies have maintained their original activities without the need to diversify or expand their operations.
Change of Sole Proprietorship
No change of sole proprietorship acts have been registered. This suggests that there have been no significant transformations in the ownership structure of companies.
Loss of Sole Proprietorship
No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been registered. This indicates that sole proprietorship companies have maintained their structure without the need to incorporate new partners.
No extinction acts have been registered. This suggests that there have been no complete liquidations of companies, which is a positive sign of business continuity.
No merger acts have been registered. This indicates that there have been no integrations of companies in Lleida, maintaining the original corporate structures.
Transformations of Society
No transformations of society acts have been registered. This suggests that companies have maintained their original legal forms without the need to change their legal structure.
In conclusion, the analysis of the acts registered in the Commercial Registry of Lleida shows general stability in the companies of the region. Although some dismissals and one dissolution have been registered, most companies have maintained their operations and structure. References to companies such as Caja Rural de Guissona Sociedad Cooperativa de Crédito and Centre Integral del Solsones SL illustrate this stability and continuity in business administration and operations.