BORME summary in MADRID on 2024-07-16.

Financial Analysis of the Madrid Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Madrid Commercial Registry

Date: July 16, 2024

This report provides a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the Madrid Commercial Registry, highlighting the most relevant facts and their impact on the business environment. Below, the main acts are described and reference is made to some prominent companies, providing links to their profiles for further insight.


The number of registered appointment acts is considerably high, with a total of 412. This data reflects an active business dynamic, where companies are constantly adjusting their management structures to adapt to market needs. An example of a company that has registered appointment acts is URBASER SA, a company with a share capital of 90,700,344.00 euros, dedicated to construction, repair, and maintenance of works.


Regarding constitutions, 116 acts have been registered. This number indicates moderate growth in the creation of new companies, which is positive for the local economy. The constitution of new companies is an indicator of market confidence and emerging business opportunities.

Resignations and Revocations

135 resignation acts and 64 revocation acts have been registered. These acts may be related to strategic changes within companies or restructuring of their management teams. The company VODAFONE ONO SA, with a share capital of 262,901,796.00 euros, has registered revocation acts, which could be related to adjustments in its organizational structure.

Sole Proprietorships

The registry shows 61 acts of sole proprietorships, indicating the existence of companies operating under the sole proprietorship structure. This type of structure can offer advantages in terms of management and control, especially for individual entrepreneurs.

Changes of Address

50 acts of changes of address have been registered. This data is relevant as it may reflect the search for more strategic or beneficial locations for company operations.

Statutory Modifications and Capital Increases

In the area of statutory modifications and capital increases, 19 acts have been registered in each category. Statutory modifications are usually related to companies adapting to new regulations or changes in their internal structure. Capital increases, on the other hand, indicate financial strengthening and increased investment capacity.


The number of registered dissolutions is 31. Although this data may seem negative, it can also be seen as a natural process in the business lifecycle, where some companies close their operations while new ones emerge.


39 re-election acts have been registered, suggesting continuity in company management. The company NUEVO MICRO BANK SA, with a share capital of 90,185,564.00 euros, has registered re-election acts, which could indicate stability in its management team.

Bankruptcy Situations

The registration of 13 bankruptcy situation acts is an indicator of financial difficulties in some companies. This data is important for investors and creditors, as it can affect confidence in certain sectors.

Changes of Object and Name

12 acts of changes of object and 10 of changes of name have been registered. These changes may be related to the diversification of activities or rebranding of companies to improve their market positioning.

Capital Reductions

The number of capital reductions is low, with only 3 acts registered. Capital reductions can be a strategy to adjust the financial structure of companies.

Extinctions and Mergers

2 acts of extinctions and 3 of mergers have been registered. Mergers are an indicator of market consolidation, where companies seek synergies and strengthening through the union of their operations.

Company Transformations

Finally, 1 act of company transformation has been registered. This type of act may be related to changes in the legal structure of companies to better adapt to their operational needs.

In summary, the Madrid Commercial Registry shows a dynamic business activity with a high number of appointments and constitutions, as well as a moderate amount of resignations, revocations, and dissolutions. Companies are constantly adapting to market conditions, as reflected in changes of address, statutory modifications, and capital increases. Stability in management is observed in the re-election acts, while bankruptcy situations and capital reductions are relatively low. Mergers and company transformations indicate a movement towards consolidation and adaptation in the business environment.

For more information about the mentioned companies, you can visit their profiles at the following links: