BORME summary in MADRID on 2024-07-29.
Financial Analysis of the Madrid Mercantile Registry
Date: July 29, 2024
In this financial analysis, we examine the most relevant data from the Madrid Mercantile Registry, highlighting the main activities registered in the last period. This report provides a detailed view of business dynamics in the region, supported by key figures and specific examples of registered companies.
The number of appointment acts registered in the Madrid Mercantile Registry is 658. This high number reflects considerable activity in the renewal and designation of executive positions in companies. A notable example is Caja de Seguros Reunidos Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros SA, which has registered 2 appointment acts, highlighting its share capital of 647,723,970.00 euros.
172 constitution acts have been registered, indicating growth in the creation of new companies in Madrid. This dynamism is essential for the local economy as it fosters innovation and competition. A relevant company in this context is Magenta Infraestructura SL, constituted in 2016, with a share capital of 1,175,781,603.00 euros.
The number of cessation acts is 246, suggesting notable turnover in executive positions. This phenomenon may be related to internal restructurings or strategic changes in companies.
76 revocation acts have been registered. This type of act is usually associated with the annulment of previously granted powers, reflecting adjustments in business management. An example is UBS AG Sucursal en España, which has registered 1 revocation act.
Single-Member Companies
The registry shows 98 single-member company acts, indicating the existence of companies with a single partner. This type of structure can offer advantages in terms of control and decision-making.
Address Changes
98 address change acts have been registered. This movement may reflect strategies for cost optimization or the search for new market opportunities.
Statutory Modifications
The number of statutory modification acts is 61. These changes may include adjustments in the social statutes to adapt to new regulations or changes in the company's structure.
Capital Increases
62 capital increase acts have been registered, indicating that companies are seeking to increase their financial resources to expand their operations. An example is Fábrica Española de Confecciones SA, with a share capital of 424,872,000.00 euros.
The number of dissolution acts is 35. This data reflects the closure of companies, which may be due to various reasons such as financial difficulties or market changes.
75 re-election acts have been registered, indicating the continuity of executives in their positions, reflecting stability in business management.
Bankruptcy Situations
The number of bankruptcy situation acts is 6. This data is relevant as it indicates companies in financial difficulties that have requested judicial protection to restructure.
Object Changes
18 object change acts have been registered, suggesting that some companies are adjusting their main activities to adapt to new market opportunities or challenges.
Name Changes
The number of name change acts is 16, reflecting adjustments in the corporate identity of companies.
Capital Reductions
12 capital reduction acts have been registered, which may indicate strategies to optimize the financial structure of companies.
Object Extensions
No object extension acts have been registered, indicating that companies have not made significant changes in their main activities.
Single-Member Company Changes
The number of single-member company change acts is 11, reflecting adjustments in the corporate structure.
Losses of Single-Membership
No single-membership loss acts have been registered, suggesting stability in this type of corporate structure.
No extinction acts have been registered, indicating that there have been no definitive company closures in this period.
4 merger acts have been registered, suggesting strategic moves to consolidate operations and increase market competitiveness.
Company Transformations
The number of company transformation acts is 2, reflecting changes in the legal form of companies to adapt to new needs or strategies.
In summary, the Madrid Mercantile Registry shows dynamic and varied business activity, with a notable number of appointments, constitutions, and capital increases, as well as adjustments in the structure and management of companies. These movements reflect the continuous evolution and adaptation of companies to a constantly changing economic environment.