BORME summary in MADRID on 2024-09-12.

Financial Analysis of the Madrid Mercantile Registry

Financial Analysis of the Madrid Mercantile Registry

Date: September 12, 2024

This report offers a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the Madrid Mercantile Registry, with special attention to the most relevant activities that have taken place in the companies of this province. Below, the most significant facts are described based on the various categories of mercantile acts.


The number of registered appointment acts amounts to 287. This data reflects a constant dynamic in the renewal and designation of managerial and administrative positions in Madrid companies. A notable example is Banco de Crédito Social Cooperativo SA, which has registered an appointment in its organizational structure. This entity, constituted in 2014, has a share capital of 1,059,028,391.00 euros and is dedicated to carrying out activities typical of the banking business.


70 acts of incorporation of new companies have been registered. This indicator is positive, as it shows a favorable environment for entrepreneurship and the creation of new companies in Madrid. The incorporation of new companies is crucial for economic growth and job creation in the region.


The registry has recorded 93 acts of dismissal. These acts may be due to various reasons, such as internal restructuring of companies or the departure of executives. A particular case is Metrovacesa SA, which has registered a dismissal. This company, constituted in 2016, has a share capital of 1,092,069,657.00 euros and is dedicated to the acquisition and construction of properties and buildings for their development or improvement.


The number of revocation acts is 37. These acts may imply the annulment of previously granted powers or authorizations. For example, Minor Hotels Europe & Americas SA has registered a revocation. This company has a share capital of 871,491,340.00 euros.

Sole Proprietorships

43 acts of sole proprietorship have been registered, indicating the declaration of single-member companies. These types of companies have a single partner, which can simplify decision-making and business management.

Address Changes

The registry has recorded 30 acts of address change. These types of acts reflect the mobility and adaptation of companies to new locations that may offer better business opportunities or more favorable conditions.

Statutory Modifications

21 acts of statutory modifications have been registered. These acts are important as they involve changes in the social statutes of companies, which can affect their structure, corporate purpose, or internal functioning.

Capital Increases

The number of capital increase acts is 32. Capital increases are an indicator that companies are seeking to increase their financial resources to expand their operations or make new investments.


The registry has recorded 17 acts of dissolution. The dissolution of companies may be due to various reasons, such as the completion of their corporate purpose, merger with other entities, or financial problems.


23 acts of re-election have been registered, indicating continuity in the managerial and administrative positions of companies. Re-election can be a sign of stability and confidence in current management.

Insolvency Situations

The registry has recorded 1 act of insolvency situation. These types of acts indicate that a company is in a situation of insolvency and has initiated an insolvency process to try to resolve its financial problems.

Corporate Purpose Changes

12 acts of corporate purpose change have been registered. These changes reflect the adaptation of companies to new business opportunities or the diversification of their activities.

Name Changes

The number of name change acts is 8. Changing the corporate name can be part of a rebranding strategy or a merger with another entity.

Capital Reductions

The registry has recorded 5 acts of capital reduction. Capital reductions can be a measure to adjust the company's balance sheet or distribute resources among partners.

Corporate Purpose Extensions

No acts of corporate purpose extension have been registered in this period. Extending the corporate purpose allows companies to diversify their activities and explore new markets.

Sole Proprietorship Changes

6 acts of change to sole proprietorship have been registered. These types of changes reflect the transition of companies to a structure with a single partner.

Loss of Sole Proprietorship

No acts of loss of sole proprietorship have been registered in this period. The loss of sole proprietorship occurs when a single-member company comes to have more than one partner.


The registry has recorded 1 act of extinction. The extinction of a company implies its complete disappearance from the mercantile registry, either by liquidation or by merger with another entity.


6 acts of merger have been registered. Mergers are a common strategy to increase competitiveness and operational efficiency, combining resources and capabilities of different companies.

Corporate Transformations

No acts of corporate transformation have been registered in this period. Corporate transformation involves a change in the legal form of the company, which can be part of a restructuring strategy.

In conclusion, the analysis of the acts registered in the Madrid Mercantile Registry shows a dynamic and varied business activity. The creation of new companies and capital increases are positive signs of a growing economic environment, while dissolution acts and insolvency situations reflect the challenges some companies face. The ability to adapt and seek new opportunities is evident in the changes in corporate purpose and registered mergers.