BORME summary in MURCIA on 2024-07-04.

Financial Analysis of the Murcia Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Murcia Commercial Registry

Date: 2024-07-04

In this financial analysis, the most relevant facts registered in the Murcia Commercial Registry are examined. The data provide a detailed view of business activities in the region, covering from appointments and incorporations to dissolutions and insolvency situations.


The total number of appointment acts registered is 34. This data reflects significant activity in business management, indicating dynamism in the incorporation of new directors and administrators. A representative example is the company MECA ALCAZAR SL, which has registered 1 appointment. This company, with a share capital of 356,212.00 euros, is dedicated to the acquisition and management of real estate, as well as the production of electrical energy.


8 incorporation acts have been registered, indicating the creation of new companies in the region. This data is encouraging as it suggests a favorable environment for entrepreneurship and economic growth. The company MIKADO TRADING SL, incorporated on February 25, 2005, is an example of a company that has grown significantly, with a share capital of 3,233,433.00 euros and a corporate purpose focused on the acquisition of shares and social participations.


The number of resignation acts is 20, reflecting changes in the management structure of various companies. This data can be interpreted as a natural process of renewal and adjustment in organizations. The company PLASTICOS DEL SEGURA SL, with a share capital of 2,246,323.00 euros, has registered 1 resignation, indicating changes in its management team.


1 revocation act has been registered. This type of act may be related to the annulment of previously granted powers or authorizations, which may be part of an internal restructuring.

Sole Proprietorships

The number of sole proprietorship acts is 3. This data refers to companies that have adopted the form of a sole proprietorship, where a single partner owns all the shares or participations.

Address Changes

4 address change acts have been registered, reflecting the mobility of companies within the region. These changes may be due to the search for better strategic locations or the expansion of business operations.

Statutory Modifications

No statutory modification acts have been registered. This data suggests that companies have maintained their statutes without significant changes during the analyzed period.

Capital Increases

4 capital increase acts have been registered, indicating that some companies have decided to increase their share capital to finance new investments or projects. The company MECA ALCAZAR SL is an example of a company that could benefit from such increases, given its activity in the acquisition and management of real estate.


The number of dissolution acts is 2. This data reflects the closure of some companies, which may be due to various reasons, such as lack of economic viability or the completion of their corporate purpose.


No re-election acts have been registered. This may indicate stability in the managerial positions of companies during the analyzed period.

Insolvency Situations

3 insolvency situation acts have been registered, indicating that some companies have faced significant financial difficulties. These acts reflect the entry into insolvency proceedings for debt restructuring and protection against creditors.

Object Changes

1 object change act has been registered, indicating that a company has decided to modify its corporate purpose to adapt to new opportunities or markets.

Name Changes

No name change acts have been registered. This suggests that companies have maintained their trade names without alterations during the analyzed period.

Capital Reductions

1 capital reduction act has been registered. This type of act may be related to the return of contributions to partners or the compensation of losses.

Object Extensions

No object extension acts have been registered. This suggests that companies have maintained their main activities without significant changes.

Sole Proprietorship Changes

1 sole proprietorship change act has been registered, indicating a modification in the ownership structure of a company, becoming controlled by a single partner.

Loss of Sole Proprietorship

No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been registered. This suggests that sole proprietorship companies have maintained their ownership structure without significant changes.


No extinction acts have been registered. This indicates that there have been no final liquidation processes of companies during the analyzed period.


No merger acts have been registered. This suggests that there have been no integration processes between companies during the analyzed period.

Company Transformations

No company transformation acts have been registered. This indicates that companies have maintained their legal form without significant changes during the analyzed period.

In conclusion, the analysis of the data from the Murcia Commercial Registry shows dynamic business activity, with a significant number of appointments, incorporations, and capital increases. However, some resignations and insolvency situations are also observed, reflecting the challenges faced by companies in the region. Highlighted companies, such as MECA ALCAZAR SL, MIKADO TRADING SL, and PLASTICOS DEL SEGURA SL, illustrate the diversity and potential of the Murcian business environment.