BORME summary in NAVARRA on 2024-07-10.

Financial Analysis of Companies in Navarra

Financial Analysis of Companies in Navarra

Analysis Date: July 10, 2024


This report provides a detailed analysis of the commercial activities registered in the province of Navarra. Various acts have been considered, including appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, and more, with the aim of providing a comprehensive view of the business landscape in this region.

Navarra Commercial Register

The Navarra commercial register has witnessed a total of 17 appointment acts, 4 incorporation acts, 9 resignation acts, and 2 revocation acts. These data reflect moderate business activity, with a balance between the creation of new companies and the restructuring of existing ones.


With 17 appointment acts, there is significant dynamism in company management. This number indicates a constant renewal in executive positions, which may be indicative of growth strategies and adaptation to new market challenges.


The registration of 4 incorporation acts suggests moderate activity in the creation of new companies. A notable example is the company BIKO2 2006 SL, incorporated on August 30, 2006, with a share capital of 387,304.00 euros. This company is dedicated to training in new technologies, reflecting a trend towards innovation and technological education in the region.


The 9 resignation acts indicate internal restructuring in several companies. This number is relatively high compared to the incorporations, which could signal organizational adjustments necessary to improve efficiency and competitiveness.


With 2 revocation acts, it can be inferred that some previous decisions have been reconsidered, possibly due to changes in business strategy or company direction.

Unipersonalities and Address Changes

No acts of unipersonalities or address changes have been registered, suggesting stability in the structure and location of companies in Navarra.

Statutory Modifications

No acts of statutory modifications have been registered, which could indicate that companies maintain their original statutes without the need for significant adjustments.

Capital Increases

One capital increase act has been registered, suggesting that at least one company has decided to increase its share capital to finance new investments or expansions. This act is crucial for the growth and long-term sustainability of companies.


With 3 dissolution acts, there is a trend towards the liquidation of some companies. This could be due to various reasons, such as financial difficulties, market changes, or strategic decisions. The company PROMOTORA AUZAMENDI SL, incorporated on August 21, 1998, with a share capital of 500,000.00 euros, is dedicated to the promotion and construction of buildings and could be facing challenges in the real estate sector.


One re-election act has been registered, indicating continued confidence in the current executives by the shareholders or partners of the company.

Bankruptcy Situations

With 2 bankruptcy situations acts, it is evident that some companies are facing significant financial difficulties. The company URBANTEX RETAIL SL, incorporated on February 17, 2010, with a share capital of 108,469.00 euros, and dedicated to the buying and selling of motorcycles and clothing, has registered a bankruptcy situation, reflecting the challenges in the retail sector.

Object and Name Changes

No acts of object or name changes have been registered, suggesting that companies maintain their original activities and names without the need for significant reorientations.

Capital Reductions

One capital reduction act has been registered, which could indicate a financial restructuring to adjust the share capital to the current needs of the company.

Object Extensions

No acts of object extensions have been registered, suggesting that companies have not diversified their activities recently.

Changes in Unipersonal Company and Losses of Unipersonality

No acts of changes in unipersonal company or losses of unipersonality have been registered, indicating stability in the ownership structure of companies.

Extinctions, Mergers, and Company Transformations

No acts of extinctions, mergers, or company transformations have been registered, suggesting that companies in Navarra have not experienced significant structural changes in this period.


In summary, the Navarra commercial register reflects moderate business activity with a trend towards stability and internal restructuring. Companies are adapting to market challenges through appointments and resignations, while incorporations and capital increases suggest continuous but moderate growth. Bankruptcy situations and dissolutions indicate that some companies face difficulties, but overall, the business landscape in Navarra shows signs of resilience and adaptation.

For more details about the mentioned companies, you can visit their profiles at the following links: