BORME summary in OURENSE on 2024-08-05.
Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Ourense
Analysis date: 2024-08-05
In this financial analysis, the most relevant facts of the mercantile registry of the province of Ourense are examined. Below, the statistics are detailed and the most significant events recorded in the companies of this region are analyzed.
Mercantile Registry of Ourense
The mercantile registry of Ourense shows a diversity of business acts that reflect the dynamics and evolution of companies in this province. Below, the most relevant acts are broken down:
- Number of appointments: 5
- Number of resignations: 3
- Number of sole proprietorships: 1
- Number of address changes: 1
- Number of dissolutions: 1
- Number of name changes: 1
The mercantile registry has recorded a total of 5 appointments. This type of act is crucial for the renewal and strengthening of the managerial structure of companies. A notable example is the company Pizarras Gonta SA, which has recorded 3 appointments. This company, established on July 5, 1980, has a share capital of 240,000 euros.
There have been 3 resignations recorded in the analyzed period. Resignations can be due to various reasons, such as strategic changes or internal restructuring. In the case of Pizarras Gonta SA, 1 resignation has been recorded, which could indicate an adjustment in its management team.
Sole Proprietorships
The registry shows 1 act of sole proprietorship, which implies that a company has become owned by a single partner. This type of change can reflect a consolidation of business control.
Address Changes
1 address change has been recorded. This act is significant as it may indicate an expansion strategy or relocation to optimize operations. However, in the case of Pizarras Gonta SA, no address changes have been recorded.
The mercantile registry has recorded 1 dissolution. The dissolution of a company can be due to multiple factors, including financial difficulties, market changes, or strategic decisions of the partners. In the case of Pizarras Gonta SA, no dissolution has been recorded.
Name Changes
1 name change has been recorded. This type of act can reflect a rebranding or a change in the company's market strategy. However, Pizarras Gonta SA has not recorded any name changes.
Other Relevant Acts
In addition to the acts mentioned above, it is important to highlight that no acts of incorporations, revocations, statutory modifications, capital increases, re-elections, bankruptcy situations, object changes, capital reductions, object expansions, changes to sole proprietorship, loss of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, or company transformations have been recorded.
The analysis of the mercantile registry of Ourense reflects moderate business activity, focusing on the renewal of management teams and strategic adjustments. The company Pizarras Gonta SA stands out in this analysis for its stability and continuity in the market, without significant changes in its structure or strategy.
In summary, the mercantile registry of Ourense shows a trend towards consolidation and internal adjustments in companies, with a limited number of acts reflecting significant structural or strategic changes.