BORME summary in PALENCIA on 2024-06-17.
Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Palencia
Report Date: June 17, 2024
This financial analysis is based on the data recorded in the Mercantile Registry of Palencia. Below are the most relevant facts related to the commercial acts registered in this province.
1. Appointments
During the analyzed period, a total of 5 appointment acts have been registered. These types of acts are crucial for the functioning and management of companies, as they involve the designation of new directors or administrators. For example, the company GIRESA PALENCIA 87 SA has registered an appointment, which may indicate a renewal in its management team to improve its management and operations.
2. Constitutions
A single constitution act has been registered. The creation of new companies is a positive indicator of economic activity in the region. An example of a constituted company is MOLINOS DE CASTILLA LA MANCHA SL, which was constituted on December 23, 1998, and has a share capital of 855,525.00 euros. Its corporate purpose includes the acquisition, construction, promotion, and exploitation of rural and urban properties, among other activities.
3. Resignations
Three resignation acts have been registered. These types of acts can reflect changes in the organizational structure of companies, either due to resignations or the need for internal restructuring. Although it is not specified in which companies these resignations occurred, it is important to monitor these changes to understand the internal dynamics of the companies.
4. Revocations
No revocation acts have been registered during the analyzed period. Revocations usually imply the annulment of previously granted powers, and the absence of these acts can be interpreted as stability in the delegation of powers within companies.
5. Sole Proprietorships
A sole proprietorship act has been registered. This type of act indicates that a company has become owned by a single partner. The company MOLINOS DE CASTILLA LA MANCHA SL could be an example of this type of change, although it is not specified in the data.
6. Address Changes
No address change acts have been registered. Stability in the location of companies can be an indicator of operational and logistical stability.
7. Statutory Modifications
No statutory modification acts have been registered. Modifications to the corporate bylaws usually reflect significant changes in the structure and functioning of companies. The absence of these acts may indicate stability in the internal policies and regulations of companies.
8. Capital Increases
No capital increase acts have been registered. Capital increases are important for the growth and expansion of companies, as they allow the injection of new financial resources.
9. Dissolutions
A dissolution act has been registered. The dissolution of a company implies the cessation of its operations and can result from various causes, such as financial problems or strategic decisions. It is not specified which company has been dissolved in the provided data.
10. Re-elections
No re-election acts have been registered. Re-elections usually imply the renewal of managerial positions, and their absence may indicate stability in the leadership positions of companies.
11. Insolvency Situations
No insolvency situation acts have been registered. The absence of these acts is a positive indicator, as it reflects that no company has entered into insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings.
12. Object Changes
An object change act has been registered. This type of act implies a modification in the main activities carried out by the company. For example, MOLINOS DE CASTILLA LA MANCHA SL has registered a change in its corporate purpose, which may reflect an adaptation to new business opportunities.
13. Name Changes
No name change acts have been registered. Stability in the corporate name of companies can be an indicator of a consolidated corporate identity.
14. Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered. Capital reductions usually imply significant financial adjustments, and their absence may reflect stability in the financial structure of companies.
15. Object Expansions
An object expansion act has been registered. This type of act indicates that a company has decided to expand its main activities. The company MOLINOS DE CASTILLA LA MANCHA SL has registered an expansion of its corporate purpose, which may be a strategy to diversify its sources of income.
16. Sole Proprietorship Changes
A sole proprietorship change act has been registered. This type of act reflects a change in the ownership structure of the company, becoming controlled by a single partner.
17. Losses of Sole Proprietorship
No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been registered. The absence of these acts may indicate stability in the ownership structure of companies.
18. Extinctions
No extinction acts have been registered. The absence of these acts is a positive indicator, as it reflects that no company has completely ceased its operations.
19. Mergers
No merger acts have been registered. Mergers usually imply the union of two or more companies to form a new entity, and their absence may indicate stability in the business market of the region.
20. Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been registered. Transformations usually imply significant changes in the legal structure of companies, and their absence may reflect stability in the legal form of companies.
In summary, the Mercantile Registry of Palencia shows moderate activity in terms of commercial acts. Stability in various aspects, such as the absence of insolvency situations and the lack of name changes, is a positive indicator of business health in the region. However, the low number of capital increase and constitution acts could suggest a need to encourage growth and the creation of new companies in Palencia.