BORME summary in PONTEVEDRA on 2024-07-10.
Financial Analysis of Companies in Pontevedra
Report Date: 2024-07-10
This financial analysis focuses on the activities registered in the Commercial Registry of Pontevedra. Below, the most relevant facts related to the different registered commercial acts are detailed, using specific examples of companies to illustrate each point.
Commercial Registry of Pontevedra
The Commercial Registry of Pontevedra has witnessed a series of commercial acts that reflect the business dynamics of the region. Below is a detailed analysis of these acts.
A total of 12 appointment acts have been registered. A notable example is COMERCIAL UDRA SA, which has made a recent appointment. This type of act is crucial for the renewal and strengthening of business management.
5 constitution acts have been registered. The creation of new companies is a positive indicator of economic activity. For example, VANGUARD RETUBING IBERICA SL was constituted on October 8, 2019, with a share capital of 100,000 euros, reflecting a significant commitment to the market.
Regarding cessations, 5 acts have been registered. Cessations can indicate strategic changes or restructurings within companies. An example is COMERCIAL UDRA SA, which has registered a recent cessation.
No revocation acts have been registered, which can be interpreted as stability in the decisions previously made by companies.
1 unipersonality act has been registered. This type of act indicates that a company has become owned by a single person. However, it is not specified which company has made this change.
Change of Address
No change of address acts have been registered, suggesting that companies are maintaining their current locations, possibly due to stability in their operations.
Statutory Modifications
No statutory modification acts have been registered, which could indicate that companies have not seen the need to change their statutes recently.
Capital Increases
1 capital increase act has been registered. Capital increases are important for the growth and expansion of companies. An example is VANGUARD RETUBING IBERICA SL, which has a share capital of 100,000 euros, reflecting its capacity to operate and expand in the market.
1 dissolution act has been registered. Dissolutions can be an indicator of economic difficulties or market changes. It is not specified which company has been dissolved.
2 reelection acts have been registered. Reelections are important for continuity and stability in business management. An example is COMERCIAL UDRA SA, which has made a recent reelection.
Bankruptcy Situations
1 bankruptcy situation act has been registered. Bankruptcy situations indicate that a company is facing significant financial difficulties. It is not specified which company is in this situation.
Change of Object
No change of object acts have been registered, suggesting that companies are maintaining their original commercial activities.
Change of Name
1 change of name act has been registered. Name changes can reflect a rebranding or a new market strategy. It is not specified which company has made this change.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered, which can be interpreted as a sign of financial stability among companies.
Expansion of Object
No expansion of object acts have been registered, indicating that companies have not expanded their commercial activities recently.
Change of Sole Proprietorship
No change of sole proprietorship acts have been registered, suggesting that the ownership structures of companies have remained stable.
Loss of Sole Proprietorship
No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been registered, indicating that sole proprietorship companies have not changed their ownership structure.
No extinction acts have been registered, which is a positive sign that companies have not ceased their operations.
No merger acts have been registered, which can be interpreted as a lack of consolidation in the business market of Pontevedra.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been registered, suggesting that companies have not changed their legal form recently.
In summary, the Commercial Registry of Pontevedra shows relatively stable business activity, with some acts of appointments, constitutions, and cessations. The lack of acts in areas such as change of address, statutory modifications, and mergers suggests stability in the operations and structures of companies. Examples like VANGUARD RETUBING IBERICA SL and COMERCIAL UDRA SA illustrate some of the most relevant movements in the business sphere of the region.