BORME summary in PONTEVEDRA on 2024-08-08.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Register of Pontevedra

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Register of Pontevedra

Date: 2024-08-08

This report presents the most relevant events recorded in the Commercial Register of Pontevedra, with a detailed analysis of the most significant activities in terms of appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, changes to sole proprietorships, loss of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, and company transformations.


The number of recorded appointment acts is 15. This data reflects an active dynamic in the management and administration of companies in Pontevedra. Appointments are essential for the renewal and strengthening of business leadership. An example of a company reflecting this activity is Aparcamiento Cavadelo SL, which has a share capital of 4,000,000.00 euros and is dedicated to the construction, operation, and sale of garages and parking lots.


There have been 5 acts of new company incorporations recorded. This data indicates a growing business environment and the confidence of entrepreneurs in the local economy. The creation of new companies is fundamental for economic development and job creation.


The number of recorded resignations is 8. Resignations can be due to various reasons, such as internal restructuring, retirement of executives, or strategic changes. It is important to monitor these movements to understand the internal dynamics of companies.


There have been 2 recorded acts of revocation. Revocations are usually related to the replacement of powers or the annulment of previous decisions. This type of act may indicate adjustments in company administration.

Sole Proprietorships

The number of recorded sole proprietorship acts is 2. This data reflects the existence of companies operating under the sole proprietorship structure, where a single partner owns the company. This structure can offer advantages in terms of control and decision-making.

Address Changes

There have been 4 recorded acts of address change. Address changes can respond to expansion strategies, resource optimization, or the search for better operating conditions. An example is OS de Candido Transportes SL, which has made an address change and has a share capital of 305,000.00 euros.

Statutory Modifications

No acts of statutory modifications have been recorded. Statutory modifications are usually necessary to adapt the company's statutes to new realities or legislative changes.

Capital Increases

There has been 1 recorded act of capital increase. Capital increases indicate the intention of companies to strengthen their financial structure and undertake new projects. This type of act is positive for the solvency and growth of companies.


There has been 1 recorded act of dissolution. The dissolution of a company can be due to various causes, such as economic unviability, completion of the social object, or the decision of the partners. It is important to analyze the causes of dissolutions to better understand the business environment.


There have been 2 recorded acts of re-election. Re-elections reflect continuity in company management, which can be positive in terms of stability and experience in administration.

Insolvency Situations

No acts of insolvency situations have been recorded. The absence of insolvency situations is a good indicator of the financial health of companies in Pontevedra.

Object Changes

There has been 1 recorded act of object change. Object changes allow companies to adapt to new business opportunities or diversify their activities. An example is Ruas Vellas SL, whose social object includes the management, promotion, urbanization, and construction of real estate, with a share capital of 608,020.00 euros.

Name Changes

No acts of name changes have been recorded. Name changes may be necessary to better reflect the company's identity or main activity.

Capital Reductions

No acts of capital reductions have been recorded. Capital reductions can be a strategy to adjust the share capital to the economic reality of the company.

Object Expansions

No acts of object expansions have been recorded. Object expansions allow companies to diversify their activities and take advantage of new business opportunities.

Changes to Sole Proprietorships

There has been 1 recorded act of change to sole proprietorship. This type of act reflects the transition of a company to a sole proprietorship structure, which can offer advantages in terms of control and management.

Loss of Sole Proprietorship

No acts of loss of sole proprietorship have been recorded. The loss of sole proprietorship implies the incorporation of new partners into the company, which can be positive for its growth and diversification.


No acts of extinctions have been recorded. The extinction of a company implies its removal from the commercial register, which can be a consequence of its dissolution and liquidation.


No acts of mergers have been recorded. Mergers are a strategy to combine the resources and capabilities of two or more companies, with the aim of strengthening their market position.

Company Transformations

No acts of company transformations have been recorded. Company transformations allow companies to adapt to new legal structures that better suit their needs and objectives.

In conclusion, the analysis of the Commercial Register of Pontevedra reflects a dynamic business activity, with a significant number of appointments, incorporations, and address changes. The absence of insolvency situations and the presence of capital increases are positive indicators of the financial health and growth of companies in the region.